Full name Familienname, Vorname
Navarro Guerrero, Nicholas

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Adrian, Lin ; Druckman, Daniel ; Filzmoser, Michael ; Flensborg Damholdt, Malene ; Köszegi, Sabine Theresia ; Navarro Guerrero, Nicholas ; Seibt, Johanna ; Smedegaard, Catharina ; Vestergaard, Christina ; Quick, Oliver Fair proxy mediation - First experimental results with tele-operated robotsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2019
2Adrian, Lin ; Druckman, Daniel ; Filzmoser, Michael ; Damholdt, Malene ; Köszegi, Sabine Theresia ; Navarro Guerrero, Nicholas ; Smedegaard, Catharina ; Vestergaard, Christina ; Quick, Oliver Fair mediation with tele-operated android robots - An experimental studyPräsentation Presentation2019
3Druckman, Daniel ; Köszegi, Sabine Theresia ; Filzmoser, Michael ; Adrian, Lin ; Vestergard, Christina ; Damholdt, Malene ; Seibt, Johanna ; Navarro Guerrero, Nicholas Progress report for work flow 1: The use of fair proxy communiation in conflict facilitationPräsentation Presentation2018