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Djinovic, Zoran
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Results 1-16 of 16 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

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1Agbodjan Prince, J. ; Kohl, Franz ; Voglhuber-Brunnmaier, Thomas ; Sauter, Thilo ; Keplinger, Franz ; Stojkovic, M. ; Djinovic, Z. Robust fiber optic sensors for vibration diagnosticsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
2Agbodjan Prince, J. ; Kohl, Franz ; Steiner, Harald ; Sauter, Thilo ; Keplinger, Franz ; Stojkovic, M. ; Djinovic, Z. Modeling an Omnidirectional Fiber-optic Strain TransducerKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
3Adamovic, Nadja ; Giouroudi, Ioanna ; Matovic, Jovan ; Djinovic, Zoran ; Schmid, Ulrich Microactuators for Fluidic Applications: Principles, Devices and SystemsArtikel Article2009
4Djinovic, Z. ; Tomic, M. Interferometric Measurement of Nanoliter Volume Concentration of Binary Liquid MixturesArtikel Article2009
5Tomic, Milos C. ; Djinovic, Zoran V. Inline Liquid Concentration Measurement in Nanoliter Volume Using Fiber-Optic Low-Coherence InterferometryArtikel Article2008
6Djinovic, Zoran ; Pavelka, Robert ; Manojlovic, L. ; Vujanic, Aleksandar ; Tomic, M.C. Measurement of frequency response of the bone ossicles in the sheep middle ear by the fiber-optic microphoneKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2008
7Djinovic, Zoran ; Tomic, Milos ; Manojlovic, Lazo ; Lazic, Zarko ; Smiljanic, Milce M. Non-contact measurement of thickness uniformity of chemically etched Si membranes by fiber-optic low-coherence interferometryKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2008
8Wilson, Stephen A. ; Jourdain, Renaud P.J. ; Zhang, Qi ; Dorey, Robert A. ; Bowen, Chris R. ; Willander, Magnus ; Wahab, Qamar Ul ; Willander, Magnus ; Al-hilli, Safaa M. ; Nur, Omer ; Quandt, Eckhard ; Johansson, Christer ; Pagounis, Emmanouel ; Kohl, Manfred ; Matovic, Jovan ; Samel, Björn ; van der Wijngaart, Wouter ; Jager, Edwin W.H. ; Carlsson, Daniel ; Djinovic, Zoran ; Wegener, Michael ; Moldovan, Carmen ; Iosub, Rodica ; Abad, Estefania ; Wendlandt, M. ; Rusu, Cristina ; Persson, Katrin New materials for micro-scale sensors and actuatorsArtikel Article 21-Jun-2007
9Djinovic, Zoran ; Manojlovic, L. ; Vujanic, Aleksandar ; Tomic, M.C. ; Jech, Martin ; Sebestyen, Tamas EARLY STAGE CHARACTERISATION OF WEAR PHENOMENA BY FIBEROPTIC LOW-COHERENCE INTERFEROMETRYKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2007
10Djinovic, Zoran ; Manojlovic, L. ; Tomic, M.C. Non-destructive characterization of multilayer structures by low-coherence interferometryKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2007
11Vujanic, Aleksandar ; Djinovic, Zoran ; Tomic, M.C. MOEMS based measurement systems for automotive applicationsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2006
12Tomic, M.C. ; Djinovic, Zoran ; Vujanic, Aleksandar In-Line Concentration Measurement of Nanoliter Liquid Sample Using Low-Coherence Spectral InterferometryKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2006
13Djinovic, Zoran ; Tomic, M.C. ; Mitic, Sladjan ; Cordes, M. ; Adrigan, P. ; Vujanic, Aleksandar ; Kment, Christoph High Resolution Measurement of Wear Rate Using Low Coherence Interferomtery Based on a 3x3 Fiber Optic CouplerKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2005
14Vujanic, Aleksandar ; Djinovic, Zoran ; Tomic, M.C. ; Mitic, Sladjan ; Pavelka, Robert ; Vujanic, Dusan ; Kment, Christoph ; Cordes, M. Low-Power Implantable Vibrometer for Measurement of Nanometric Vibrations Inside Middle EarKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2005
15Djinovic, Zoran ; Tomic, M.C. ; Vujanic, Aleksandar Spectrally encoded fiber optic measurement of diffuse target displacemnetKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2005
16Matovic, Jovan ; Lamovec, J. ; Djinovic, Zoran Bimaterial Infrared Detector with Efficient Suppression of Interference from AmbientKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2004