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Podivilov, Evgeny V.

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1Bednyakova, Anastasia E. ; Fedoruk, Mikhail P. ; Podivilov, Evgeny V. ; Kharenko, Denis S. ; Babin, Sergey A. ; Kalashnikov, Vladimir L. ; Apolonski, Alexander A. Simulation of Dissipative Solitons in a Fiber Laser Oscillator at Presence of Strong Raman ScatteringKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2013
2Naumov, S. ; Fernandez, Alma ; Krausz, Ferenc ; Apolonski, Alexander ; Podivilov, Evgeny V. ; Chernykh, A. ; Kalashnikov, Vladimir L. Pulse energy limits of the femotsecond Ti:sapphire oscillatorsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2005
3Podivilov, Evgeny V. ; Kalashnikov, Vladimir L. Heavily-chirped solitary pulses in the normal dispersion region: new solutions of the cubic-quintic complex Ginzburg-Landau equationArtikel Article2005
4Kalashnikov, Vladimir L. ; Podivilov, Evgeny V. ; Chernykh, A. ; Naumov, S. ; Fernandez, Alma ; Graf, R. ; Apolonski, Alexander Approaching the microjoule frontier with femtosecond laser oscillators: theory and comparison with experimentArtikel Article2005