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Stojanović, G.

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

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1Radosavljevic, G. ; Marić, A. ; Stojanović, G. ; Smetana, Walter ; Unger, Michael ; Homolka, Heinz Application of the LTCC technology for the fabrication of the RF 3D inductorArtikel Article2008
2Radosavljevic, G. ; Marić, A. ; Stojanović, G. ; Zivanov, Lj. ; Smetana, Walter Application of the LTCC technology for the fabrication on miniature 3D RF transformersKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2007
3Radosavljevic, G. ; Marić, A. ; Stojanović, G. ; Zivanov, Lj. ; Smetana, Walter ; Unger, Michael ; Homolka, Heinz The fabrication process of RF inductor structures in LTCC technologKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2007