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Motoi, Naoki

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PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Nalbach, Mathis ; Sensini, Alberto ; Motoi, Naoki ; Rufin, Manuel ; Andriotis, Orestis ; Zucchelli, Andrea ; Schitter, Georg ; Cristofolini, Luca ; Thurner, Philipp DYNAMIC MECHANICAL ANALYSIS OF COLLAGEN FIBRILS AND ELECTROSPUN PLLA NANOFIBERSPresentation Vortrag27-Jun-2022
2Nalbach, Mathis ; Sensini, Alberto ; Motoi, Naoki ; Rufin, Manuel ; Andriotis, Orestis ; Zucchelli, Andrea ; Schitter, Georg ; Cristofolini, Luca ; Thurner, Philipp DYNAMIC MECHANICAL ANALYSIS OF COLLAGEN FIBRILS AND ELECTROSPUN PLLA NANOFIBERSPresentation Vortrag27-Jun-2022
3Nalbach, Mathis ; Motoi, Naoki ; Gantner, Franziska ; Andriotis, Orestis G. ; Battle, Lauren ; Docaj, Anxhela ; Ovsianikov, Aleksandr ; Schitter, Georg ; Carriero, Alessandra ; Thurner, Philipp J. Osteogenesis Imperfecta: Brittle Bones From Stronger Collagen FibrilsPräsentation Presentation2021
4Nalbach, Mathis ; Motoi, Naoki ; Chalupa-Gantner, Franziska ; Andriotis, Orestis G. ; Ovsianikov, Aleksandr ; Schitter, Georg ; Thurner, Philipp J. Tensile viscoelasticity of individual collagen fibrilsPräsentation Presentation2021
5Nalbach, Mathis ; Motoi, Naoki ; Gantner, Franziska ; Spörl, Felix Christoph ; Andriotis, Orestis G. ; Ovsianikov, Aleksandr ; Schitter, Georg ; Thurner, Philipp J. Novel instrument for rapid and force controlled tensile testing of single collagen fibrilsPräsentation Presentation2020
6Motoi, Naoki ; Nalbach, Mathis ; Ito, Shingo ; Thurner, Philipp J. ; Schitter, Georg Adaptive Control Method Based on Recursive Least Square Method by Piezoelectric Actuator for Pulling Fibril with Parameter VariationKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2020