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Pfnier, Johanna

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

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1Daza-Serna, L. ; Masi, A. ; Serna-Loaiza, S. ; Pfnier, Johanna ; Stark, Georg ; Mach, R. L. ; Mach-Aigner, A.R. ; Friedl, A. Detoxification strategy of wheat straw hemicellulosic hydrolysate for cultivating Trichoderma reesei: a contribution towards the wheat straw biorefineryArticle Artikel 17-Apr-2023
2Masi, Audrey Laura ; Stark, Georg ; Pfnier, Johanna ; Daza Serna, Laura Vanessa ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid ; Mach, Robert Erythritol production by the saprobe Trichoderma reesei: screening and optimization using Design of Experiments to better understand the effect of nitrogen source, carbon source, pH and temperature.Presentation Vortrag22-Sep-2022
3Daza Serna, Laura Vanessa ; Masi, Audrey Laura ; Serna Loaiza, Sebastian ; Pfnier, Johanna ; Stark, Georg ; Mach, Robert ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid ; Friedl, Anton Detoxification strategy of wheat straw hemicellulosic hydrolysate for cultivating Trichoderma reesei: a contribution towards the wheat biorefinery.Presentation Vortrag15-Jun-2022
4Pfnier Johanna - 2022 - Development of a filamentous fungi cultivation process...pdf.jpgPfnier, Johanna Development of a filamentous fungi cultivation process in bioreactor for erythritol productionThesis Hochschulschrift 2022