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Scales, Ze
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Results 1-7 of 7 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Stoeger-Pollach-2023-Journal of Microscopy-vor.pdf.jpgStöger-Pollach, Michael ; Bukvišova, Krýstina ; Zenz, Keanu ; Stöger, Leo ; Scales, Ze Important aspects of investigating optical excitations in semiconductors using a scanning transmission electron microscopeArticle Artikel 13-Nov-2023
2Scales, Ze ; Koller, Christian Martin ; Schoemann, Stephan ; Nelhiebel, Michael ; Reisinger, Michael ; Jatzkowski, Joerg ; Diehle, Patrick ; Stöger-Pollach, Michael Identifying Electrically Active Dislocations in GaN and the Challenge of Cross-Correlative Physical CharacterizationPresentation Vortrag13-Nov-2023
3Stöger-Pollach, Michael ; Bukvisová, Kristýna ; Zenz, Keanu ; Stöger, Leo ; Scales, Ze Investigations of Optical Excitations in Semiconductors using Scanning Transmission Electron MicroscopyPresentation Vortrag3-Apr-2023
4Scales, Ze ; Reisinger, Michael ; Taylor, Aidan ; Nelhiebel, Michael ; Stöger-Pollach, Michael Physical Characterization of Dislocations in III-N Semiconductors including Quantification and ClassificationPresentation Vortrag24-Nov-2022
5Scales, Ze ; Reisinger, Michael ; Koller, Christian ; Taylor, Aidan ; Stöger-Pollach, Michael Physical Characterization of Crystal Defects in Gallium NitridePresentation Vortrag8-May-2022
6Stöger-Pollach, Michael ; Scales, Ze ; Nelhiebel, Michael ; Đorđević, Tamara Correlative spectroscopy in materials sciencePresentation Vortrag28-Apr-2022
7Stöger-Pollach, Michael ; Scales, Ze Low Energy Excitations at Low Beam EnergiesPresentation Vortrag6-Apr-2022