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Huang, E. L.

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Kranz, C. ; Huang, E. L. ; Mizaikoff, Boris ; Lugstein, Alois ; Bertagnolli, Emmerich Integration of an Ultramicroelectrode in an AFM Cantilever - A Novel Approach for Combining AFM and SECMPräsentation Presentation2001
2Kranz, C. ; Huang, E. L. ; Mizaikoff, Boris ; Lugstein, Alois ; Bertagnolli, Emmerich Towards Electrochemical Imaging on a Nanometer Scale with Submicro- and Nanoelectrodes Integrated in AFM-TipsPräsentation Presentation2001
3Kranz, C. ; Huang, E. L. ; Mizaikoff, Boris ; Noh, H.-S. ; Hesketh, P. ; Lugstein, Alois ; Bertagnolli, Emmerich Electrochemical Imaging with Submicro- and Nanoelectodes Integrated in AFM-TipsPräsentation Presentation2001