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Auner, N.

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Molnar, W. ; Lugstein, A. ; Pongratz, P. ; Seyring, M. ; Rettenmayr, M. ; Borschel, C. ; Ronning, C. ; Auner, N. ; Bauch, C. ; Bertagnolli, E. A General Approach toward Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Silicon NanowiresArtikel Article2013
2Lugstein, Alois ; Molnar, Wolfgang ; Pongratz, Peter ; Seyring, Martin ; Rettenmayr, Markus ; Borschel, Christian ; Ronning, C ; Auner, N. ; Bauch, Christian ; Bertagnolli, Emmerich Shape control method for prismatic Si-NWs by subeutectic VLS growth using cubic α-NiSi2 as catalystPräsentation Presentation2012
3Molnar, Wolfgang ; Lugstein, Alois ; Pongratz, Peter ; Seyring, Martin ; Rettenmayr, Markus ; Borschel, Christian ; Auner, N. ; Bauch, Christian ; Bertagnolli, Emmerich Shape Control Method for Prismatic Si-NWs by Subeutectic VLS Growth Using Cubic alpha-NiSi2 as Catalyst.Präsentation Presentation2011
4Molnar, W. ; Lugstein, A. ; Pongratz, P. ; Auner, N. ; Bauch, C. ; Bertagnolli, E. Subeutectic Synthesis of Epitaxial Si-NWs with Diverse Catalysts Using a Novel Si PrecursorArtikel Article2010