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Svoboda, Jiri
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

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1Scheiber, D. ; Svoboda, Jiri ; Fischer, F.D. ; Böhm, H.J. ; Romaner, L. Fully coupled segregation and precipitation kinetics model with ab initio input for the Fe-Au systemArticle Artikel 1-Jan-2023
2Vogric-2022-Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A-vor.pdf.jpgVogric, M. ; Kozeschnik, E. ; Svoboda, Jiri ; Führer, Markus ; Kreyca, Johannes ; Wei, Wen Wen ; Povoden-Karadeniz, E. Kinetic Modeling of Grain Boundary Cementite EvolutionArticle Artikel Oct-2022
3Svoboda, Jiri ; Zickler, Gerald A. ; Kozeschnik, E. ; Fischer, F.D. Generalization of classical Hillert's grain growth and LSW theories to a wide family of kinetic evolution equations and stationary distribution functionsArticle Artikel 15-Aug-2022
4Abart, Rainer ; Svoboda, Jiri ; Jerabek, Petr ; Povoden-Karadeniz, Erwin ; Habler, Gerlinde Interlayer growth kinetics of a binary solid-solution based on the thermodynamic extremal principle: Application to the formation of spinel at periclase-corundum contactsArtikel Article 1-Apr-2016