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Batlogg, B.

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Mathis, T. ; Liu, Y. ; Ai, L. ; Ge, Z. ; Lumpi, D. ; Horkel, E. ; Holzer, B. ; Froehlich, J. ; Batlogg, B. Stable organic field-effect-transistors with high mobilities unaffected by supporting dielectric based on phenylene-bridged thienobenzothiopheneArtikel Article2014
2Manalo, S. ; Michor, Herwig ; Hilscher, Gerfried ; Brühwiler, M. ; Batlogg, B. Eliashberg theory applied on the superconducting properties of RbOs₂O₆Präsentation Presentation2006
3Manalo, S. ; Michor, Herwig ; Hilscher, Gerfried ; Brühwiler, M. ; Batlogg, B. Superconducting properties of RbOs₂O₆ analyzed within Eliashberg theoryArtikel Article2006
4Pernstich, K. P. ; Haas, S. ; Oberhoff, D. ; Goldmann, C. ; Gundlach, D. J. ; Batlogg, B. ; Rashid, A. N. ; Schitter, Georg Threshold voltage shift in organic FETs by dipole-monolayers on the gate insulatorArtikel Article2004