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Tsuji, K.

Results 1-7 of 7 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Iro, M. ; Ingerle, D. ; Streli, Christina ; Tsuji, K. ; Hampel, S. ; Lutz, C. ; Fittschen, U. F-07 STUDENT Investigation of the Transmission Properties of a Polycapillary Half-Lens and Their Effect on Quantification For Confocal µXRFPräsentation Presentation2021
2Tsuji, K. ; Tabe, A. ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Streli, Christina Secondary excitation process for quantitative confocal 3D-XRF anlaysisArtikel Article2015
3Tsuji, K. ; Tabe, A. ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Streli, Christina Secondary excitation process for quantitative confocal 3D-XRF analysisArtikel Article 2015
4Smolek, S. ; Nakazawa, T. ; Tabe, A. ; Nakano, K. ; Tsuji, K. ; Streli, Christina ; Wobrauschek, Peter Forensic investigations with two confocal micro-XRF spectrometersPräsentation Presentation2013
5Smolek, S. ; Nakazawa, T. ; Tabe, A. ; Nakano, K. ; Tsuji, K. ; Streli, Christina ; Wobrauschek, Peter Comparison of two confocal micro-XRF spectrometers with different design aspectsArtikel Article2013
6Smolek, S. ; Nakazawa, T. ; Nakano, K. ; Tsuji, K. ; Streli, Christina ; Wobrauschek, Peter Comparsion and characterization of key parameters of two confocal micro-XRF spectrometersPräsentation Presentation2012
7Nakazawa, T. ; Tabe, A. ; Smolek, S. ; Streli, Christina ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Tsuji, K. Evaluation of analytical performance of confocal micro-XRF spectrometersPräsentation Presentation2012