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Manz, Thomas A.

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PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Spivey, James J. ; Krishna, Katla Sai ; Kumar, Challa S.S.R. ; Dooley, Kerry M. ; Flake, John C. ; Haber, Louis H. ; Xu, Ye ; Janik, Michael J. ; Sinnott, Susan B. ; Cheng, Yu-Ting ; Liang, Tao ; Sholl, David S. ; Manz, Thomas A. ; Diebold, Ulrike ; Parkinson, Gareth S. ; Bruce, David A. ; de Jongh, Petra Synthesis, Characterization, and Computation of Catalysts at the Center for Atomic-Level Catalyst DesignArtikel Article2014
2Parkinson, Gareth S. ; Manz, Thomas A. ; Novotny, Zbynek ; Sprunger, Philipp T. ; Kurtz, Richard L. ; Schmid, Michael ; Scholl, David S. ; Diebold, Ulrike Antiphase domain boundaries at the Fe₃O₄(001) surfaceArtikel Article 24-May-2012
3Parkinson, Gareth S. ; Novotny, Zbynek ; Jacobson, Peter ; Manz, Thomas A. ; Sholl, David S. ; Womack, F.N. ; Sprunger, Philipp T. ; Diebold, Ulrike Surface Reactivity of Iron OxidePräsentation Presentation2011