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Busker, M.

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1Fittschen, U. ; Guilherme, A. ; Böttger, S. ; Rosenberg, D. ; Menzel, M. ; Jansen, W. ; Busker, M. ; Gotlib, Z.P. ; Radtke, Martin ; Riesemeier, H. ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Streli, Christina A setup for synchrotron-radiation-induced total reflection X-ray fluorescence and X-ray absorption near-edge structure recently commissioned at BESSY II BAMlineArtikel Article May-2016
2Gotlib, Z.P. ; Fittschen, U. ; Böttger, S. ; Rosenberg, D. ; Jansen, W. ; Busker, M. ; Menzel, M. ; Guilherme, A. ; Radtke, Martin ; Riesemeier, Heinrich ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Streli, Christina Setup and Characterization of Synchrotron Radiation Induced Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structures at BESSY II BAMLinePräsentation Presentation2015