Full name Familienname, Vorname
Meißner, Heide
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-6 of 6 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Rohling, Heide ; Fuchs, H. ; Hirtl, A. ; Marta, M. ; Reschl, C. ; Sihver, Lembit ; Stock, M. Towards PET monitoring at the Austrian ion beam therapy center MedAustronPräsentation Presentation2017
2Rohling, H ; Priegnitz, M ; Schoene, S ; Schumann, A ; Enghardt, W ; Hueso-González, F ; Pausch, G ; Fiedler, F Requirements for a Compton camera for in vivo range verification of proton therapyArtikel Article 2017
3Rohling, Heide ; Hirtl, A. ; Mumot, M. ; Sihver, Lembit ; Stock, M. PET range verification of ion beam therapy at MedAustronPräsentation Presentation2016
4Schoene, Sebastian ; Enghardt, Wolfgang ; Fiedler, Fine ; Golnik, Christian ; Pausch, Guntram ; Rohling, Heide ; Kormoll, Thomas An image reconstruction framework and camera prototype aimed for Compton imaging for in-vivo dosimetry of therapeutic ion beamsArtikel Article 2016
5Schumann, A ; Priegnitz, M ; Schoene, S ; Enghardt, W ; Rohling, H ; Fiedler, F From prompt gamma distribution to dose: A novel approach combining an evolutionary algorithm and filtering based on gaussian-powerlaw convolutionsArtikel Article 2016
6Petzoldt, J ; Roemer, K E ; Enghardt, W ; Fiedler, F ; Golnik, C ; Hueso-González, F ; Helmbrecht, S ; Kormoll, T ; Rohling, H ; Smeets, J ; Werner, T ; Pausch, G Characterization of the microbunch time structure of proton pencil beams at a clinical treatment facilityArtikel Article 2016