Full name Familienname, Vorname
Müller, Sandra
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-20 of 27 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Müller, Sandra The mystery of Woodin limits of Woodin cardinalsPresentation Vortrag13-Nov-2023
2Müller, Sandra Generic absoluteness for the definable powerset of the universally Baire setsPresentation Vortrag10-Oct-2023
3Müller, Sandra Independence Phenomena in Mathematics: Current Obstacles and Scenarios for SolutionsPresentation Vortrag22-Sep-2023
4Müller, Sandra Generic absoluteness for the definable powerset of the universally Baire setsPresentation Vortrag7-Sep-2023
5Müller, Sandra Determinacy and generic absoluteness for the definable powerset of the universally Baire setsPresentation Vortrag5-May-2023
6Müller, Sandra ; Schlicht, Philipp Uniformization and internal absolutenessArticle Artikel 13-Apr-2023
7Friedman, Sy-David ; Gitman, Victoria ; Müller, Sandra Structural properties of the stable coreArtikel Article 11-Apr-2023
8Müller, Sandra Universally Baire Sets, Determinacy, and Inner ModelsPresentation Vortrag7-Jan-2023
9Eagle, Christopher J. ; Hamel, Clovis ; Müller, Sandra ; Tall, Franklin D. An undecidable extension of Morley's theorem on the number of countable modelsArticle Artikel 2023
10Müller, Sandra Determinacy Axioms and Large CardinalsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2023
11Luecke-2023-Forum of Mathematics, Sigma-vor.pdf.jpgLücke, Philipp ; Müller, Sandra Σ₁-definability at higher cardinals: Thin sets, almost disjoint families and long well-ordersArticle Artikel 2023
12Müller, Sandra Highlights from infinite games, mice and their connection.Presentation VortragSep-2022
13Müller, Sandra Universally Baire Sets and the Inner Model ProgramPresentation Vortrag29-Aug-2022
14Carroy, Raphaël ; Medini, Andrea ; Müller, Sandra Topological applications of Wadge theoryPresentation Vortrag11-Aug-2022
15Müller, Sandra Inner Models, Determinacy and SealingPresentation Vortrag14-Jul-2022
16Müller, Sandra Preserving universally Baire Sets and SealingPresentation Vortrag6-Jul-2022
17Müller, Sandra Preserving universally Baire Sets and SealingPresentation Vortrag4-Jul-2022
18Müller, Sandra A stationary-tower-free proof of Woodin's Sealing TheoremPresentation Vortrag29-Jun-2022
19Müller, Sandra A stationary-tower-free proof of sealing from a supercompactPresentation Vortrag29-Jun-2022
20Müller, Sandra ; Schlicht, Philipp ; Schrittesser, David ; Weinert, Thilo Volker Lebesgue’s density theorem and definable selectors for idealsArticle Artikel 2-May-2022