Müller, S. (2022, June 29). A stationary-tower-free proof of sealing from a supercompact [Conference Presentation]. Logic Colloquium 2022, Iceland. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/152571
Sealing is a generic absoluteness principle for the theory of the universally Baire sets of reals introduced by Woodin. It is deeply connected to the Inner Model Program and plays a prominent role in recent advances in inner model theory. Woodin showed in his famous Sealing Theorem that in the presence of a proper class of Woodin cardinals Sealing holds after collapsing a supercompact cardinal. I will outline the importance of Sealing and discuss a new and stationary-tower-free proof of Woodin’s Sealing Theorem that is based on Sargsyan’s and Trang’s proof of Sealing from iterability. This is joint work with Grigor Sargsyan and Bartosz Wcisło.