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Seidl, Bernhard

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Obleser-2022-ChemBioChem-vor.pdf.jpgObleser, Katharina ; Kalaus, Hubert ; Seidl, Bernhard ; Kozich, Martin ; Stanetty, Christian ; Mihovilovic, Marko D An Organic Chemist's Guide to Mediated Laccase OxidationArticle Artikel 5-Dec-2022
2Kalaus, Hubert ; Obleser, Katharina ; Scheibelreiter, Verena ; Seidl, Bernhard ; Kozich, Martin ; Stanetty, Christian ; Mihovilovic, Marko Facile Quantification of Aldehyde Starch in a Photometric Assay based on 2-Aminobenzamide OximePresentation Vortrag9-Nov-2022
3Kalaus, Hubert ; Obleser, Katharina ; Lisa Riedlsperger ; Seidl, Bernhard ; Kozich, Martin ; Stanetty, Christian ; Mihovilovic, Marko An organic chemist's guide to the best Mediator for Laccase-catalyzed OxidationsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag28-Jun-2022