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Bellotto, Maurizio Pietro

Results 1-13 of 13 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Liberto, Teresa ; Dalconi, Maria Chiara ; Dal Sasso, Gregorio ; Bellotto, Maurizio Pietro ; Agathe Robisson Structure–function relationship during the early and long‐term hydration of one‐part alkali‐activated slagArticle Artikel Sep-2023
2Costa, Benedetta ; Liberto, Teresa ; Fontanari, Alessandro ; Dalconi, Maria Chiara ; Bellotto, Maurizio Pietro ; Robisson, Agathe How to consolidate masonry through an injection process: evaluation of a new sustainable binderPresentation Vortrag6-Jun-2023
3Liberto, Teresa ; Dalconi, Maria Chiara ; Bellotto, Maurizio Pietro ; Robisson, Agathe A fresh approach on low CO₂ bindersPresentation Vortrag5-Jun-2023
4Costa, Benedetta ; Liberto, Teresa ; Bellotto, Maurizio Pietro ; Robisson, Agathe Eco-sustainable binder for masonry consolidationInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag19-May-2023
5Liberto, Teresa ; Bellotto, Maurizio Pietro ; Dal Sasso, Gregorio ; Robisson, Agathe Early age cohesion of building materials via SAOSInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag26-Apr-2023
6Liberto-2022-Langmuir-vor.pdf.jpgLiberto, Teresa ; Nenning, Andreas ; Bellotto, Maurizio ; Dalconi, Maria Chiara ; Dworschak, Dominik ; Kalchgruber, Lukas ; Robisson, Agathe ; Valtiner, Markus ; Dziadkowiec, Joanna Detecting Early-Stage Cohesion Due to Calcium Silicate Hydration with Rheology and Surface Force ApparatusArticle Artikel 6-Dec-2022
7Liberto, Teresa ; Bellotto, Maurizio Pietro ; Robisson, Agathe Oscillatory Rheology and Interactions on Cementitious PastesPresentation Vortrag3-Nov-2021
8Robisson, Agathe ; Liberto, Teresa ; Kirnbauer, Johannes ; Dhar, Subhransu ; Bellotto, Maurizio Pietro ; Daneshvar, Dana ; Deix, Karl Systematische Charakterisierung der Eigenschaften von Frischbetonen und Mörteln - Jahr 3Report Bericht31-Aug-2021
9Liberto, Teresa ; Bellotto, Maurizio ; Robisson, Agathe Proving attraction nature on cementitious materials through oscillatory rheologyKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2021
10Liberto, Teresa ; Bellotto, Maurizio ; Robisson, Agathe Small oscillatory rheology and cementitious particle interactionsPräsentation Presentation2021
11Liberto, Teresa ; Bellotto, Maurizio ; Robisson, Agathe Small oscillatory rheology and cementitious particle interactionsPräsentation Presentation2021
12Liberto, Teresa ; Bellotto, Maurizio ; Robisson, Agathe Are alkali activated binder behaviors intermediate between cement and mineral suspensions?Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020
13Liberto, Teresa ; Le Merrer, Marie ; Barentin, Catherine ; Bellotto, Maurizio ; Colombani, Jean Elasticity and yielding of a calcite paste: scaling laws in a dense colloidal suspensionArtikel Article 2017