Full name Familienname, Vorname
Avalos Pacheco, Alejandra
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Results 1-19 of 19 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Avalos Pacheco, Alejandra Efficient Integrative Factor Models: Applications from Nutritional Epidemiology to Cancer GenomicsPresentation Vortrag17-Dec-2023
2Hansen, Blake ; Avalos-Pacheco, Alejandra ; Russo, Massimiliano ; De Vito, Roberta A Variational Bayes Approach to Factor AnalysisInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag30-Nov-2023
3Avalos Pacheco, Alejandra Integrative Large-Scale Bayesian Learning: From Factor Analysis to Graphical ModelsPresentation Vortrag3-Nov-2023
4Avalos Pacheco, Alejandra Bayesian Multiple Graphical Models for Heterogenous DataPresentation Vortrag7-Sep-2023
5Avalos Pacheco, Alejandra Bayesian Inference of Multiple Ising Models for Heterogeneous DataPresentation Vortrag2-Aug-2023
6Avalos Pacheco, Alejandra Integrative Large-Scale Bayesian Learning: From Factor Analysis to Graphical ModelsPresentation Vortrag21-Jul-2023
7Avalos Pacheco, Alejandra ; Ballerini, Veronica ; Pedone, Matteo ; Müller, Peter Contributed Discussion: Causal Inference Under Mis-Specification: Adjustment Based on the Propensity Score (with Discussion)Article Artikel Jun-2023
8Avalos Pacheco, Alejandra Fast Integrative Factor Models: Applications from Nutritional Epidemiology to Cancer GenomicsPresentation Vortrag22-May-2023
9Avalos Pacheco, Alejandra Biomedical Data Classification via Machine LearningPresentation Vortrag22-Apr-2023
10Avalos Pacheco, Alejandra Heterogenous Data Integration, from Factor Analysis to Graphical ModelsPresentation Vortrag27-Mar-2023
11Avalos Pacheco, Alejandra ; Ventz, Steffen ; Arfè, Andrea ; Alexander, Brian M ; Rahman, Rifaquat ; Wen, Patrick Y ; trippa, lorenzo Validation of Predictive Analyses for Interim Decisions in Clinical TrialsArticle Artikel 27-Feb-2023
12Avalos Pacheco, Alejandra Heterogeneous large-scale Bayesian learningPresentation Vortrag27-Feb-2023
13Avalos Pacheco, Alejandra Multi-study Factor Regression Models for Large Complex Data with Applications to Nutritional Epidemiology and Cancer GenomicsPresentation Vortrag3-Feb-2023
14Avalos Pacheco, Alejandra ; Roberta De Vito Integrative Factor Models for Biomedical ApplicationsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag2023
15Avalos Pacheco, Alejandra Multi-study Factor Regression Models for Heterogenous Data: Applications to Nutritional Epidemiology and Cancer GenomicsPresentation Vortrag18-Dec-2022
16Avalos Pacheco, Alejandra Cross-study Factor Regression for Heterogeneous DatasetsPresentation Vortrag14-Dec-2022
17Avalos Pacheco, Alejandra Cross-study Factor Regression Models for Large Complex Biomedical DataPresentation Vortrag8-Dec-2022
18Avalos Pacheco, Alejandra Multi-study Factor Regression Models for Heterogenous Data with Applications to Nutritional Epidemiology and Cancer GenomicsPresentation Vortrag23-Nov-2022
19Avalos Pacheco, Alejandra Multi-study Factor Regression Models for Large Complex Data with Applications to Nutritional Epidemiology and Cancer GenomicsPresentation Vortrag20-Oct-2022

Results 1-1 of 1 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewEditor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Avalos Pacheco, Alejandra ; De Vito, Roberta ; Maire, Florian Bayesian Statistics, New Generations New Approaches : BAYSM 2022, Montréal, Canada, June 22–23Proceedings Tagungsband 2023