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Burr, David B.

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1Frank, Martin ; Grabos, Andreas ; Reisinger, Andreas G. ; Burr, David B. ; Pahr, Dieter H. ; Allen, Matthew R. ; Thurner, Philipp J. Effects of anti-resorptive treatment on the material properties of individual canine trabeculae in cyclic tensile testsArtikel Article 2021
2Pemmer, Bernhard ; Hofstaetter, Jochen G. ; Meirer, Florian ; Smolek, Stephan ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Simon, Rolf ; Fuchs, Robyn K. ; Allen, Matthew R. ; Condon, Keith W. ; Reinwald, Susan ; Phipps, Roger J. ; Burr, David B. ; Paschalis, Eleftherios P. ; Klaushofer, Klaus ; Streli, Christina ; Roschger, Paul Increased strontium uptake in trabecular bone of ovariectomized calcium-deficient rats treated with strontium ranelate or strontium chlorideArtikel Article2011