Full name Familienname, Vorname
Reihs, Ingeborg Eva
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Stuetz, Helene ; Reihs, Eva I ; Neuhaus, Winfried ; Pflüger, Maren ; Hundsberger, Harald ; Ertl, Peter ; Resch, Christian ; Bauer, Gerald ; Povoden, Günter ; Rothbauer, Mario The Cultivation Modality and Barrier Maturity Modulate the Toxicity of Industrial Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles on Nasal, Buccal, Bronchial, and Alveolar Mucosa Cell-Derived Barrier ModelsArticle Artikel 15-Mar-2023
2Summer, Sabrina ; Kocsis, Agnes ; Reihs, Eva Ingeborg ; Rothbauer, Mario ; Lonhus, Kirill ; Stys, Dalibor ; Ertl, Peter ; Fischer, Michael B Automated analysis of mitochondrial dimensions in mesenchymal stem cells: Current methods and future perspectivesArticle Artikel Jan-2023
3Rothbauer-2023-Journal of Biological Engineering-vor.pdf.jpgKillinger, Michael ; Kratochvilova, Adela ; Reihs, Ingeborg Eva ; Matalova, Eva ; Kleparnik, Karel ; Rothbauer, Mario Microfluidic device for enhancement and analysis of osteoblast differentiation in three-dimensional cell culturesArticle Artikel 2023
4Rothbauer-2022-Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology-vor.pdf.jpgRothbauer, Mario ; Eilenberger, Christoph ; Spitz, Sarah ; Bachmann, Barbara E M ; Kratz, Sebastian Rudi Adam ; Reihs, Eva I ; Windhager, Reinhard ; Toegel, Stefan ; Ertl, Peter Recent Advances in Additive Manufacturing and 3D Bioprinting for Organs-On-A-Chip and Microphysiological SystemsArticle Artikel 17-Feb-2022