Full name Familienname, Vorname
Ringhofer, Christian
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-20 of 24 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Heitzinger, Clemens ; Ringhofer, C. Transport in confined structures as a multiscale problem and numerical results for nanopores.Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
2Heitzinger, Clemens ; Ringhofer, Christian Multiscale modeling of fluctuations in stochastic elliptic PDE models of nanosensorsArtikel Article 2014
3Heitzinger, Clemens ; Ringhofer, Christian Hierarchies of transport equations for nanopores - equations derived from the Boltzmann equation and the modeling of confined structures.Artikel Article 2014
4Heitzinger, Clemens ; Khodadadian, Amirreza ; Ringhofer, Christian Transport through confined structures as a multiscale problem.Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
5Windbacher, Thomas ; Sverdlov, Viktor ; Selberherr, Siegfried ; Heitzinger, Clemens ; Mauser, Norbert ; Ringhofer, Ch. Study of the Properties of Biotin-Streptavidin Sensitive BioFETsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2009
6Windbacher, Thomas ; Sverdlov, Viktor ; Selberherr, Siegfried ; Heitzinger, Clemens ; Mauser, Norbert ; Ringhofer, Ch. Study of the Properties of Biotin-Streptavidin Sensitive BiofetsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2009
7Windbacher, Thomas ; Sverdlov, Viktor ; Selberherr, Siegfried ; Heitzinger, Clemens ; Mauser, Norbert ; Ringhofer, Ch. Simulation of Field-Effect Biosensors (BioFETs) for Biotin-Streptavidin ComplexesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2008
8Windbacher, Thomas ; Sverdlov, Viktor ; Selberherr, Siegfried ; Heitzinger, Clemens ; Mauser, Norbert ; Ringhofer, Christian Simulation of field-effect Biosensors (BioFETs)Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2008
9Heitzinger, Clemens ; Ringhofer, Ch. ; Selberherr, Siegfried Investigations of the Potential Jump at the Surface of BioFETs Using a Multi-scale ModelKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2007
10Heitzinger, Clemens ; Ringhofer, Christian ; Selberherr, Siegfried Finite Difference Solutions of the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation and their Conservation of Physical QuantitiesArtikel Article 2007
11Sverdlov, V. ; Kosina, H. ; Ringhofer, C. ; Nedjalkov, M. ; Selberherr, S. Quantum Correction to the Semiclassical Electron-Phonon Scattering OperatorKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2006
12Nedjalkov, M. ; Vasileska, D. ; Ferry, D. K. ; Jacoboni, C. ; Ringhofer, C. ; Dimov, I. ; Palankovski, V. Wigner Transport Models of the Electron-Phonon Kinetics in Quantum WiresArtikel Article 2006
13Kosina, Hans ; Sverdlov, Viktor ; Ringhofer, Ch. ; Nedjalkov, Mihail ; Selberherr, Siegfried Quantum Correction to the Semiclassical Electron-Phonon Scattering OperatorKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2005
14Heitzinger, Clemens ; Ringhofer, Ch. ; Ahmed, Shaikh ; Vasileska, Dragica On the Efficient Simulation of Electron-Electron Interactions in Nanoscale MOSFETsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2004
15Sverdlov, Viktor ; Kosina, Hans ; Ringhofer, Ch. ; Nedjalkov, Mihail ; Selberherr, Siegfried Beyond the Golden Rule in Electron-Phonon Scattering: an Advanced Monte Carlo AlgorithmPräsentation Presentation2004
16Arnold, Anton ; Ringhofer, C. An operator splitting method for the Wigner-Poisson problemArtikel Article1996
17Arnold, Anton ; Ringhofer, C. Operator splitting methods applied to spectral discretizations of quantum transport equationsArtikel Article1995
18Ringhofer, Ch. ; Selberherr, Siegfried Implications of Analytical Investigations about the Semiconductor Equations on Device Modeling ProgramsArtikel Article1983
19Markowich, Peter A. ; Ringhofer, Ch. ; Langer, Erasmus ; Selberherr, Siegfried An Asymptotic Analysis of Single-Junction Semiconductor DevicesArtikel Article1983
20Markowich, Peter A. ; Ringhofer, Ch. ; Selberherr, Siegfried A Singular Perturbation Approach for the Analysis of the Fundamental Semiconductor DevicesArtikel Article1983

Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewEditor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Ben Abdallah, N. ; Arnold, Anton ; Degond, Pierre ; Gamba, Irene ; Glassey, Robert ; Ringhofer, C. Dispersive Transport Equations and Multiscale ModelsBuch Book2003
2Ben Abdallah, N. ; Arnold, Anton ; Degond, Pierre ; Gamba, Irene ; Glassey, Robert ; Levermore, C.D. ; Ringhofer, C. Transport in Transition RegimesBuch Book2003