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Kubicek, Eva M.

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1Kubicek, Christian P. ; Steindorff, Andrei S. ; Chenthamara, Komal ; Manganiello, Gelsomina ; Henrissat, Bernard ; Zhang, Jian ; Cai, Feng ; Kopchinskiy, Alexey G. ; Kubicek, Eva M. ; Kuo, Alan ; Baroncelli, Riccardo ; Sarrocco, Sabrina ; Noronha, Eliane Ferreira ; Vannacci, Giovanni ; Shen, Qirong ; Grigoriev, Igor V. ; Druzhinina, Irina S. Evolution and comparative genomics of the most common Trichoderma speciesArtikel Article 2019
2Druzhinina, Irina S. ; Kopchinskiy, Alexey G. ; Kubicek, Eva M. ; Kubicek, Christian P. A complete annotation of the chromosomes of the cellulase producer Trichoderma reesei provides insights in gene clusters, their expression and reveals genes required for fitnessArtikel Article 2016
3Druzhinina, Irina S. ; Kubicek, Eva M. ; Kubicek, Christian P. Several steps of lateral gene transfer followed by events of 'birth-and-death' evolution shaped a fungal sorbicillinoid biosynthetic gene clusterArtikel Article 2016