Full name Familienname, Vorname
Babor, Lukas
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-10 of 10 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Babor, Lukas ; Kuhlmann, Hendrik C. Linear stability of thermocapillary flow in a droplet attached to a hot or cold substrateArticle Artikel Nov-2023
2Babor-2023-Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-vor.pdf.jpgBabor, Lukas Numerical investigation of mixed convection flow over a heated horizontal plate of finite lengthArticle Artikel Oct-2023
3Babor, Lukas Numerical investigation of mixed convection flow over a heated horizontal platePresentation Vortrag12-Sep-2023
4Babor, Lukas Numerical investigation of a mixed convection flow over a heated horizontal platePresentation Vortrag1-Jun-2023
5Babor-2023-Physics of Fluids-vor.pdf.jpgBabor, Lukas ; Kuhlmann, Hendrik C Lagrangian transport in the time-periodic two-dimensional lid-driven square cavityArticle Artikel Mar-2023
6Babor Lukas - 2023 - Linear stability of the thermocapillary flow in a droplet...pdf.jpgBábor, Lukáš Linear stability of the thermocapillary flow in a droplet on a heated wall and chaotic advection in the supercritical flowThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
7Babor, Lukas ; Kuhlmann, Hendrik Linear stability of axisymmetric thermocapillary flow in a sessile droplet on a hot or cold substratePresentation Vortrag13-Sep-2022
8Babor, Lukas ; Kuhlmann, Hendrik Numerical stability analysis of thermocapillary flow in droplets on heated or cooled substratesPresentation VortragJun-2022
9Babor, Lukas ; Kuhlmann, Hendrik Lagrangian transport in two‐dimensional time‐periodic cavity flowInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag25-Jan-2021
10Babor, Lukas ; Kuhlmann, Hendrik Linear stability of thermocapillary convection in non-volatile sessile droplets on a heated substratePresentation Vortrag2021