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Sánchez-Rojas, J.L.

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Toledo, J. ; Ruiz-Díez, V. ; Pfusterschmied, G. ; Schmid, U. ; Sánchez-Rojas, J.L. Flow-through sensor based on piezoelectric MEMS resonator for thein-line monitoring of wine fermentationArtikel Article 2018
2Ababneh, A. ; Schmid, U. ; Hernando, J. ; Sánchez-Rojas, J.L. ; Seidel, H. The influence of sputter deposition parameters on piezoelectric and mechanical properties of AlN thin filmsArtikel Article2010
3Manzaneque, T. ; Hernando-García, J. ; Ababneh, A. ; Seidel, H. ; Sökmen, Ü. ; Peiner, E. ; Schmid, U. ; Sánchez-Rojas, J.L. Quality factor enhancement in AlN-actuated MEMS by velocity feedback loopKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010