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Yi, S.

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Titov, O. ; Girdiuk, A. ; Lambert, S. B. ; Lovell, J. ; McCallum, J. ; Shabala, S. ; McCallum, L. ; Mayer, D. ; Schartner, M. ; de Witt, A. ; Shu, F. ; Melnikov, A. ; Ivanov, D. ; Mikhailov, A. ; Yi, S. ; Soja, B. ; Xia, B. ; Jiang, T. Testing general relativity with geodetic VLBI. What a single, specially designed experiment can teach usArtikel Article 2018
2Suhir, E. ; Ghaffarian, R. ; Yi, S. ; Nicolics, J. Assessed interfacial strength and elastic moduli of the bonding material from shear-off test dataArtikel Article 2017
3Suhir, E. ; Yi, S. ; Nicolics, J. ; Khatibi, G. ; Lederer, M. Semiconductor film grown on a circular substrate: predictive modeling of lattice-misfit stressesArtikel Article 2016