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Chinea-Cano, E.

Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Dzigal, N. ; Chinea-Cano, E. ; Walsh, S. ; Limbeck, A. Revisiting the fission track method for the analysis of particles in safeguards environmental samplesArtikel Article 2017
2Buzanich, G. ; Wobrauschek, P. ; Streli, C. ; Markowicz, A. ; Wegrzynek, D. ; Chinea-Cano, E. ; Griesser, M. ; Uhlir, K. PART II (Portable ART analyzer) - development of a XRF spectrometer adapted for the study of artworks in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, ViennaArtikel Article2009
3Uhlir, K. ; Griesser, M. ; Buzanich, G. ; Wobrauschek, P. ; Streli, C. ; Wegrzynek, D. ; Markowicz, A. ; Chinea-Cano, E. Applications of a new portable (micro) XRF instrument having low-Z elements determination capability in the field of works of artArtikel Article2008
4Zoeger, N. ; Streli, C. ; Wobrauschek, P. ; Jokubonis, C. ; Pepponi, G. ; Roschger, P. ; Hofstaetter, J. ; Berzlanovich, A. ; Wegrzynek, D. ; Chinea-Cano, E. ; Markowicz, A. ; Simon, R. ; Falkenberg, G. Determination of the elemental distribution in human joint bones by SR micro XRFArtikel Article2008
5Wobrauschek, Peter ; Streli, Christina ; Kregsamer, Peter ; Meirer, Florian ; Jokubonis, C. ; Markowicz, A. ; Wegrzynek, D. ; Chinea-Cano, E. Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence attachment module modified for analysis in vacuumArtikel Article 2008