Full name Familienname, Vorname
Podobnikar, Tomaz
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-20 of 41 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Podobnikar, Tomaž ; Székely, Balázs Towards the automated geomorphometric extraction of talus slopes in Martian landscapesArtikel Article 2015
2Balint, Zita ; Székely, Balázs ; Kovács, Gabor ; Jansa, Josef ; Dorninger, Peter ; Podobnikar, Tomaz An areomorphometric visualisation and evaluation tool for HRSC DTM-derived local slope histogramsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2013
3Dorigo, Wouter ; Lucieer, Arko ; Podobnikar, Tomaž ; Čarni, Andraž Mapping invasive Fallopia japonica by combined spectral, spatial, and temporal analysis of digital orthophotosArtikel Article2012
4Vrečko, Anja ; Kovács, Gabor ; Podobnikar, Tomaz ; Székely, Balázs The Effects of the Terrain Variation and Changed Parameters of the Moving Window on the LIDAR DEM SpectrumKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2012
5Székely, Balázs ; Dorninger, Peter ; Jansa, Josef ; Podobnikar, Tomaz ; Koma, Zsófia ; Trosits, Dalma ; Dósa, Melinda Martian and Terrestrial debris slopes: Automated recognition attempts using a multi-method approachKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2011
6Podobnikar, Tomaz ; Székely, Balázs ; Hollaus, Markus ; Roncat, Andreas ; Dorninger, Peter ; Briese, Christian ; Melzer, Thomas ; Pathe, Carsten ; Höfle, Bernhard ; Pfeifer, Norbert Comprehensive Utilization of Airborne laser Scanning in Natural Hazard Studies in Alpine AreasKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2010
7Podobnikar, Tomaz Methods for visual quality assessment of a digital terrain modelArtikel Article2009
8Podobnikar, Tomaz Topografska In Geomorfolo[ka Opredelitev Vrhov Ter Analiza OblikArtikel Article2009
9Podobnikar, Tomaz ; Székely, Balázs Supporting the visual recognition of areomorphic features by DTM analysisKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2009
10Podobnikar, Tomaz ; Lamovec, Peter Historical maps georeferencing and examination the development of LjubljanaKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2009
11Podobnikar, Tomaz Method for Determination of the Mountain PeaksKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2009
12Podobnikar, Tomaz ; Skofic, Jozica ; Horvat, Mojca Mapping and Analysing the Local Speeches Areas for Slovenian Linguistic AtlasKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2009
13Székely, Balázs ; Podobnikar, Tomaz A method for automated extraction of Martian talus slopes - case studies of Nanedi Valles and West Candor Chasma, MarsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2009
14Podobnikar, Tomaz Georeferencing and quality assessment of Josephine survey maps for the mountainous region in the Triglav National ParkArtikel Article2009
15Podobnikar, Tomaž ; Schöner, M. ; Jansa, J. ; Pfeifer, N. Spatial analysis of anthropogenic impact on karst geomorphology (Slovenia)Artikel Article2008
16Podobnikar, Tomaz Simulation and representation of the positional errors of boundary and interior regions in mapsPräsentation Presentation2008
17Podobnikar, Tomaz ; Kokalj, Ziga Modelling the spatial parameters for dynamic road pricingPräsentation Presentation2008
19Podobnikar, Tomaz From Slovenian to Mars terrain models, from airborne data acquisition to morphological analysisPräsentation Presentation2008
20Podobnikar, Tomaz ; Székely, Balázs An attempt of analysis of the potentially hazardous detrital cones (fans and talus cones) with DTM in Alpine areasPräsentation Presentation2008