Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design – FMCAD 2020

Book title Buchtitel
Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design – FMCAD 2020
Pages Seiten
Editor Herausgeber_in
Publisher Herausgeber
TU Wien Academic Press
Place of publishing Erscheinungsort
First Edition Erstausgabe
First Edition
Volume Band

Publications Publikationen

Results 1-20 of 34 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
108_Accelerating Parallel Verification via Complementary Property Partitioning and Strategy Exploration.pdf.jpgDureja, Rohit ; Baumgartner, Jason ; Kanzelman, Robert ; Williams, Mark ; Rozier, Kristin Y. ; Ivrii, Alexander ; Strichman, Ofer Accelerating Parallel Verification via Complementary Property Partitioning and Strategy ExplorationKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2020
224_Angelic Checking within Static Driver Verifier Towards high_precision defects without (modeling) cost.pdf.jpgLahiri, Shuvendu K. ; Lal, Akash ; Gopinath, Sridhar ; Nutz, Alexander ; Levin, Vladimir ; Kumar, Rahul ; Deisinger, Nate ; Lichtenberg, Jakob ; Bansal, Chetan ; Ivrii, Alexander ; Strichman, Ofer Angelic Checking within Static Driver Verifier: Towards high-precision defects without (modeling) costKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2020
301_Anytime Algorithms for MaxSAT and Beyond.pdf.jpgNadel, Alexander ; Ivrii, Alexander ; Strichman, Ofer Anytime Algorithms for MaxSAT and BeyondKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2020
422_ART Abstraction Refinement_Guided Training for Provably Correct Neural Networks.pdf.jpgLin, Xuankang ; Zhu, He ; Samanta, Roopsha ; Jagannathan, Suresh ; Ivrii, Alexander ; Strichman, Ofer ART: Abstraction Refinement-Guided Training for Provably Correct Neural NetworksKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2020
518_Automating Compositional Analysis of Authentication Protocols.pdf.jpgZhang, Zichao ; de Amorim, Arthur Azevedo ; Jia, Limin ; Pasareanu, Corina S. ; Ivrii, Alexander ; Strichman, Ofer Automating Compositional Analysis of Authentication ProtocolsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2020
623_Automating Modular Verification of Secure Information Flow.pdf.jpgPick, Lauren ; Fedyukovich, Grigory ; Gupta, Aarti ; Ivrii, Alexander ; Strichman, Ofer Automating Modular Verification of Secure Information FlowKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2020
711_Distributed Bounded Model Checking.pdf.jpgChatterje, Prantik ; Roy, Subhajit ; Phi Diep, Bui ; Lal, Akash ; Ivrii, Alexander ; Strichman, Ofer Distributed Bounded Model CheckingKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2020
807_Effective System Level Liveness Verification.pdf.jpgFedotov, Alexander ; Keiren, Jeroen J.A. ; Schmaltz, Julien ; Ivrii, Alexander ; Strichman, Ofer Effective System Level Liveness VerificationKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2020
912_EUFicient Reachability for Software with Arrays.pdf.jpgBueno, Denis ; Cox, Arlen ; Sakallah, Karem ; Ivrii, Alexander ; Strichman, Ofer EUFicient Reachability for Software with ArraysKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2020
1006_The FMCAD 2020 Student Forum.pdf.jpgSchrammel, Peter ; Ivrii, Alexander ; Strichman, Ofer The FMCAD 2020 Student ForumKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2020
1121_Formal Methods with a Touch of Magic.pdf.jpgAlamdari, Parand Alizadeh ; Avni, Guy ; Henzinger, Thomas A. ; Lukina, Anna ; Ivrii, Alexander ; Strichman, Ofer Formal Methods with a Touch of MagicKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2020
1202_Formal Verification for Natural and Engineered Biological Systems.pdf.jpgKugler, Hillel ; Ivrii, Alexander ; Strichman, Ofer Formal Verification for Natural and Engineered Biological SystemsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2020
1305_From Correctness to High Quality.pdf.jpgKupferman, Orna ; Ivrii, Alexander ; Strichman, Ofer From Correctness to High QualityKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2020
1404_How testable is business software.pdf.jpgSchrammel, Peter ; Ivrii, Alexander ; Strichman, Ofer How testable is business software?Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2020
1514_Incremental Verification by SMT_based Summary Repair.pdf.jpgAsadi, Sepideh ; Blicha, Martin ; Hyvärinen, Antti ; Fedyukovich, Grigory ; Sharygina, Natasha ; Ivrii, Alexander ; Strichman, Ofer Incremental Verification by SMT-based Summary RepairKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2020
1617_Learning Properties in LTL ∩ ACTL from Positive Examples Only.pdf.jpgEhlers, Rüdiger ; Gavran, Ivan ; Neider, Daniel ; Ivrii, Alexander ; Strichman, Ofer Learning Properties in LTL ∩ ACTL from Positive Examples OnlyKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2020
1725_Model Checking Software_Defined Networks with Flow Entries that Time Out.pdf.jpgKlimis, Vasileios ; Parisis, Georg ; Reus, Bernhard ; Ivrii, Alexander ; Strichman, Ofer Model Checking Software-Defined Networks with Flow Entries that Time OutKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2020
1828_On Optimizing a Generic Function in SAT.pdf.jpgNadel, Alexander ; Ivrii, Alexander ; Strichman, Ofer On Optimizing a Generic Function in SATKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2020
1920_Parallelization Techniques for Verifying Neural Networks.pdf.jpgWu, Haoze ; Ozdemir, Alex ; Zeljic, Aleksandar ; Julian, Kyle ; Irfan, Ahmed ; Gopinath, Divya ; Fouladi, Sadjad ; Katz, Guy ; Pasareanu, Corina ; Barrett, Clark ; Ivrii, Alexander ; Strichman, Ofer Parallelization Techniques for Verifying Neural NetworksKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2020
2034_The Proof Checkers Pacheck and Past`eque for the Practical Algebraic Calculus.pdf.jpgKaufmann, Daniela ; Fleury, Mathias ; Biere, Armin ; Ivrii, Alexander ; Strichman, Ofer The Proof Checkers Pacheck and Pastèque for the Practical Algebraic CalculusKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2020