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EGU General Assembly 2020
Publisher Herausgeber

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1Széles, Borbála ; Parajka, Juraj ; Hogan, Patrick ; Silasari, Rasmiaditya ; Pavlin, Lovrenc ; Strauss, Peter ; Blöschl, Günter The additional value of using proxy data besides runoff for calibrating a conceptual hydrological model in a small agricultural catchmentKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020
2Steele-Dunne, Susan ; Vermunt, Paul ; Khabbazan, Saeed ; Petchiappan, Ashwini ; Judge, Jasmeet ; Vreugdenhil, Mariette ; Hahn, Sebastian ; Wagner, Wolfgang Advances in using radar to observe vegetation water dynamicsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020
3Panic, Dragana ; Pfeil, Isabella ; Salentinig, Andreas ; Vreugdenhil, Mariette ; Wagner, Wolfgang ; Wahbi, Ammar ; Fulajtar, Emil ; Said, Hami ; Franz, Trenton ; Heng, Lee ; Strauss, Peter Area-representative validation of remotely sensed high resolution soil moisture using a cosmic-ray neutron sensorKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020
4Quast, Raphael ; Wagner, Wolfgang ; Calvet, Jean-Christophe ; Albergel, Clement ; Bonan, Bertrand ; Brocca, Luca ; Filippucci, Paolo ; Hobbs, Stephen Assessing prospects of sub-daily radar-observations to improve the understanding of soil- and vegetation dynamicsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020
5Schmidt, Luisa ; Forkel, Matthias ; Dorigo, Wouter A. ; Moesinger, Leander ; van der Schalie, Robin ; Yebra, Marta ; Pugh, Thomas A. M. Assessing the sensitivity of multi-frequency vegetation optical depth to biomass and canopy moisture content: towards an ecological-oriented evaluationKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020
6Pfeil, Isabella ; Wagner, Wolfgang ; Vreugdenhil, Mariette ; Forkel, Matthias ; Dorigo, Wouter C-band microwave sensors reflect the spring water uptake of temperate deciduous broadleaf treesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020
7Tong, Rui ; Parajka, Juraj ; Komma, Jürgen ; Blöschl, Günter Calibration of a semi-distributed hydrological model adding constrains from remotely sensed snow cover and soil moisture productsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020
8Lun, David ; Viglione, Alberto ; Komma, Jürgen ; Bertola, Miriam ; Parajka, Juraj ; Blöschl, Günter Characteristics and process controls of statistical flood moments in Europe - a data based analysisKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020
9Böhm, Sigrid ; Salstein, David Climate impact on Earth rotation speed from CMIP6 model simulationsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020
10Kiss, Andrea ; Brázdil, Rudolf ; Camenisch, Chantal ; Pribyl, Kathleen Climate of the Reformation: droughts and anomalous weather in the 1500s-1510s in EuropeKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020
11Szabo, Paul Stefan ; Biber, Herbert ; Jäggi, Noah ; Brenner, Matthias ; Weichselbaum, David ; Wappl, Markus ; Moro, Marcos V. ; Niggas, Anna ; Stadlmayr, Reinhard ; Primetzhofer, Daniel ; Nenning, Andreas ; Mutzke, Andreas ; Sauer, Markus ; Fleig, Jürgen ; Foelske-Schmitz, Annette ; Mezger, Klaus ; Lammer, Helmut ; Galli, André ; Wurz, Peter ; Aumayr, Friedrich Combining Experiments and Modelling to Understand the Role of Potential Sputtering by Solar Wind IonsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020
12Cudennec, Christophe ; Arheimer, Berit ; Blöschl, Günter ; Toth, Elena The community consultation process leading to the compilation of the 23 Unsolved Problems in Hydrology (UPH)Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020
13Halilovic, Dzana ; Weber, Robert Contribution of Galileo observations to improve the quality of daily and sub-daily earth rotation parameter estimatesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020
14Fian, Tabea ; Hauger, Georg Derivation of climate-indices and establishment of hazard-development-corridors along the ÖBB rail networkKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020
15Biber, Herbert ; Szabo, Paul S. ; Jäggi, Noah ; Wallner, Martin ; Stadlmayr, Reinhard ; Niggas, Anna ; Moro, Marcos V. ; Primetzhofer, Daniel ; Nenning, Andreas ; Mutzke, Andreas ; Sauer, Markus ; Fleig, Jürgen ; Foelske-Schmitz, Annette ; Mezger, Klaus ; Lammer, Helmut ; Galli, André ; Wurz, Peter ; Aumayr, Friedrich A detailed look on the interaction of solar wind helium with Mercury's surface in the laboratoryKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020
16Bieber, Paul ; Seifried, Teresa M. ; Gratzl, Jürgen ; Burkart, Julia ; Kasper-Giebl, Anne ; Schmale III, David G. ; Grothe, Hinrich Development, Characterization and Testing of a Drone-based Sampling Method for Investigations of Ice-Nucleating ParticlesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020
17Schmid, Bernhard H. Enhanced flow rating using neural networks with water stage and electrical conductivity as predictorsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020
18Sharifi, Ehsan ; Dorigo, Wouter ; Eitzinger, Josef Error assessment of precipitation products based on the elevations and extreme eventsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020
19Zappa, Luca ; Forkel, Matthias ; Xaver, Angelika ; Dorigo, Wouter Estimation of high-resolution soil moisture using machine learning, satellite observations and ground measurements. A case study in a hilly agricultural regionKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020
20Peer, Sandra ; Zoboli, Ottavia ; Vybornova, Anastassia ; Krampe, Jörg ; Zessner, Matthias Exploitation of the maximum potential of fluorescence spectroscopy for water resource systems using Bayesian statistical approachesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020