29th Informal Meeting on Mass Spectrometry - Book of Abstracts and Program

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29th Informal Meeting on Mass Spectrometry - Book of Abstracts and Program

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1Pittenauer, Ernst ; Rehulka, Pavel ; Winkler, Wolfgang ; Allmaier, Günter Final structural elucidation of the [RCO + 43/57/87]+ product ions of protonated aminophospholipid precursor ions by MALDI TOF/RTOF MS in the HE CID mode and ESI QRTOF MS accurate mass LE CID modeKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2011
2Kassler, Alexander ; Pittenauer, Ernst ; Dörr, Nicole ; Allmaier, Günter Quantitative analysis of antioxidants applied in model lubricants by LC/ESI-FTMS and -ITMS2Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2011
3Koulakiotis, Niklaos-Stavros ; Pittenauer, Ernst ; Tsarbopoulos, Anthony ; Allmaier, Günter Structural analysis of selected crocins by different tandem mass spectrometric approachesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2011