ICPS 10 - International Conference on Polygeneration Stategies

Event name
ICPS 10 - International Conference on Polygeneration Stategies
Event type
Event for scientific audience
Start date
End date
Leipzig, Deutschland
Event format Veranstaltungsformat
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Results 1-13 of 13 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Koppatz, Stefan ; Pfeifer, Christoph ; Hofbauer, Hermann Application of Fe-olivine as catalytic active bed material in biomass gasificationKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
2Pfeifer, Christoph ; Koppatz, Stefan ; Hofbauer, Hermann Catalysts for Fluidised Bed Biomass Gasification - Overview on recent development and applicationsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
3Aigner, Isabella ; Hofbauer, Hermann Demonstration of co-gasification of coal and wood in a 8MW combined heat and power plantKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
4Mayer, Tamara ; Makaruk, Aleksander ; Diaz Perez, Nicolas Felipe ; Bosch, Klaus ; Miltner, Martin ; Harasek, Michael ; Hofbauer, Hermann Efficient Biomass Utilization by Polygeneration Processes - Production of Hydrogen, Electricity and HeatKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
5Wilk, Veronika ; Kitzler, Hannes ; Koppatz, Stefan ; Pfeifer, Christoph ; Hofbauer, Hermann Gasification of residues and waste wood in a dual fluidised bed steam gasifierKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
6Martini, Stefan ; Kleinhappl, Markus ; Hofbauer, Hermann High Temperature Gas Treatment for Clean Gas ApplicationsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
7Müller, Stefan ; Stidl, Martin ; Pröll, Tobias ; Rauch, Reinhard ; Hofbauer, Hermann Hydrogen from Biomass - Large Scale Hydrogen Production Based on a Dual Fluidized Bed Steam Gasification SystemKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
8Müller, Stefan ; Stidl, Martin ; Pröll, Tobias ; Rauch, Reinhard ; Hofbauer, Hermann Hydrogen from Biomass - Large Scale Hydrogen Production Based on a Dual Fluidized Bed Steam Gasification SystemPräsentation Presentation2010
9Schablitzky, Harald ; Lichtscheidl, Josef ; Hutter, Karl ; Hafner, Christina ; Rauch, Reinhard ; Hofbauer, Hermann Hydroprocessing of Fischer Tropsch Biowaxes to 2nd Generation BiofuelsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
10Varga, Christoph ; Koppatz, Stefan ; Pfeifer, Christoph ; Nacken, M. ; Di Marcello, M. ; Galluci, K. ; Rapagna, S. ; Heidenreich, S. ; Foscolo, Pier Ugo ; Hofbauer, Hermann Integration of a catalytic filter candle into the Guessing gasifier for hot gas cleaning of biomass derived syngasKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
11Weber, Gerald ; Potetz, Angela ; Rauch, Reinhard ; Hofbauer, Hermann Production of Synthetic Biofuels in existing Industry - Simulation of FICFB and Fischer - Tropsch - Process in IPSEproKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
12Zeisler, Johannes ; Kleinhappl, Markus ; Hofbauer, Hermann Reliable sampling of impurities in product gas and syngasKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
13Halwachs, Michael ; Kern, Stefan ; Kampichler, Gerhard ; Pröll, Tobias ; Hofbauer, Hermann Rotary kiln pyrolysis as a pretreatment process for co-firing unconventional fuels in a thermal power plantKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010