Event name
FCC week 2019
Event type
Event for scientific audience
Start date
End date
Brüssel, Belgien
Solo Exhibition
Solo Exhibition
Event format Veranstaltungsformat
On Site

Publications Publikationen

Results 1-6 of 6 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Eisterer, Michael ; Baumgartner, Thomas ; Ortino, Mattia ; Bernardi, Johannes ; Pfeiffer, Stephan ; Moros, Alice ; Stöger-Pollach, Michael ; Sumption, M.D. ; Xu, X. ; Peng, X. ; Alekseev, M. ; Tsapleva, A. ; Lukyanov, P. ; Abdyukhanov, I. ; Pantsyrny, V. ; Bordini, B. ; Hopkins, S. C. ; Ballarino, A. Characterization of FCC conductors at TU ViennaPräsentation Presentation2019
2Holleis, S. ; Moros, Alice ; Bernardi, Johannes ; Leveratto, A. ; Saba, Aisha ; Bellingeri, E. ; Eisterer, Michael Current Flow Analysis of Tl-1223 Superconductors by Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy and TEM InvestigationsPräsentation Presentation2019
3Moros, Alice ; Ortino, Mattia ; Löffler, Stefan ; Alekseev, Maxim ; Tsapleva, Anastasia ; Lukyanov, Pavel ; Abdyukhanov, Ildar M. ; Pantsyrny, Victor ; Bordini, Bernardo ; Ballarino, Amalia ; Hopkins, Simon C. ; Stöger-Pollach, Michael ; Bernardi, Johannes ; Eisterer, Michael FCC-hh Nb3Sn Wire Development: Exploring the Microstructure of Prototype SamplesPräsentation Presentation2019
4Ortino, Mattia ; Moros, Alice ; Alekseev, M. ; Tsapleva, A. ; Lukyanov, P. ; Abdyukhanov, I.M. ; Pantsyrny, V. ; Bordini, B. ; Ballarino, A. ; Hopkins, S. C. ; Bernardi, Johannes ; Eisterer, Michael FCC-hh Nb3Sn wire development: superconducting and magnetic properties of prototype samplesPräsentation Presentation2019
5Pfeiffer, Stephan ; Bernardi, Johannes ; Stöger-Pollach, Michael ; Baumgartner, Thomas ; Ortino, Mattia ; Sumption, Mike ; Xu, Xingchen ; Peng, Xuan ; Ballarino, Amalia ; Hopkins, Simon C. Performance Enhancement of Nb3Sn Superconductors by Artificial Pinning CentresKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
6Donato, Mattia ; Tropeano, M. ; Ortino, Mattia ; Moros, Alice Status And Development Of Superconductive Mgb2 Wires And TapesPräsentation Presentation2019