ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022

Event name
ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022
Event type
Event for scientific audience
Start date
End date
Organizing institution Veranstaltende Institution
Event format Veranstaltungsformat

Publications Publikationen

Results 1-20 of 37 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Massari, Christian ; Tarpanelli, Angelica ; Aires, Filipe ; Alfieri, Lorenzo ; Avanzi, Francesco ; BARBETTA, SILVIA ; Bechtold, Michel ; Brocca, Luca ; Camici, Stefania ; Castelli, Mariapina ; Ciabatta, Luca ; Claus, Michele ; Dari, Jacopo ; De Jeu, Richard ; De Lannoy, Gabrielle ; Delogu, Fabio ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud ; Filippucci, Paolo ; Gabellani, Simone ; Hulsman, Petra ; Jacob, Alexander ; Koppa, Akash ; Lievens, Hans ; Miralles, Diego ; Modanesi, Sara ; Barella Ortiz, Anaïs ; Pellet, Victor ; Petrova, irina ; Greimeister-Pfeil, Isabella ; Quast, Raphael ; Quintana Seguí, Pere ; Rains, Dominik ; Schellekens, Jaap ; Schlaffer, Stefan ; Tramblay, Yves ; van der Schalie, Robin ; Vreugdenhil, Mariette ; Wagner, Wolfgang ; Zappa, Luca ; Volden, Espen 4DMED-Hydrology: capitalizing high resolution Earth Observation data for a consistent reconstruction of the Mediterranean terrestrial water cyclePresentation Vortrag25-May-2022
2Reuß, Felix David ; Greimeister-Pfeil, Isabella ; Navacchi, Claudio ; Schaumberger, Andreas ; Klingler, Andreas ; Vreugdenhil, Mariette ; Wagner, Wolfgang Assessing the Potential of Sentinel-1 Terrain-Flattened Gamma Time Series for Grassland Cut Detection in AustriaPresentation Vortrag23-May-2022
3Dari, Jacopo ; Modanesi, Sara ; Massari, Christian ; Tarpanelli, Angelica ; BARBETTA, SILVIA ; De Lannoy, Gabrielle ; Bechtold, Michel ; Lievens, Hans ; Quast, Raphael ; Vreugdenhil, Mariette ; Zribi, Mehrez ; Le Page, Michel ; Quintana Seguí, Pere ; Brocca, Luca Comparing irrigation quantification approaches developed within the Irrigation+ projectPresentation Vortrag25-May-2022
4Dietrich, Stephan ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud ; Aich, Valentin Consistent monitoring of global water cycle and resources variability across scales: Where do we stand?Presentation Vortrag27-May-2022
5Schmidt, Luisa ; Forkel, Matthias ; Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud ; Yebra, Marta Developing a long-term live-fuel moisture content dataset based on passive microwave vegetation optical depthPresentation Vortrag27-May-2022
6Schlaffer, Stefan ; McKenna, Owen ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud Dynamics of open water and vegetated wetlands extent from Sentinel-1 dual-polarised data in a prairie catchment in North DakotaPresentation Vortrag25-May-2022
7Schlaffer, Stefan ; McKenna, Owen ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud Dynamics of open water and vegetated wetlands extent from Sentinel-1 dual-polarised data in a prairie catchment in North DakotaPresentation Vortrag25-May-2022
8van der Schalie, Robin ; Preimesberger, Wolfgang ; Stradiotti, Pietro ; Rodriguez-Fernandez, Nemesio ; Madelon, Rémi ; Hirschi, Martin ; van der Vliet, Mendy ; de Jeu, Richard ; Kidd, Richard ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud ESA CCI+ Soil Moisture project - Scientific EvolutionPresentation Vortrag27-May-2022
9Wessollek, Christine ; Schmidt, Luisa ; Andela, Niels ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud ; Forkel, Matthias Estimating vegetation fuel loads for the quantification of fire emissions by integrating various Earth observation dataPresentation Vortrag25-May-2022
10Madelon, Rémi ; Bazzi, Hassan S. ; Nativel, Simon ; Amin, Ghaith ; Albergel, Clement ; Baghdadi, Nicolas ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud ; Rodriguez-Fernandez, Nemesio ; Zribi, Mehrez An evaluation of high resolution soil moisture maps in the framework of the ESA CCIPresentation Vortrag27-May-2022
11Himmelbauer, Irene ; Stradiotti, Pietro ; Preimesberger, Wolfgang ; Aberer, Daniel ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud ; Boresch, Alexander ; Tercjak, Monika ; GIBON, François ; Mialon, Arnaud ; Richaume, Philippe ; Mahmoodi, Ali ; Kerr, Yann ; Crapolicchio, Raffaele ; Sabia, Roberto ; Goryl, Philippe ; Scipal, Klaus Fiducial Reference Measurements for Soil Moisture (FRM4SM): From ground measurement to a fully traceable satellite validation servicePresentation Vortrag27-May-2022
12Dostalova, Alena ; Schlaffer, Stefan ; Hollaus, Markus Forest Structure Parameters in Alpine Terrain from a Single Year of Sentinel-1 DataPresentation Vortrag27-May-2022
13GIBON, François ; Mialon, Arnaud ; Richaume, Philippe ; Kerr, Yann ; Rodriguez-Fernandez, Nemesio ; Mahmoodi, Ali ; Aberer, Daniel ; Boresch, Alexander ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud ; Himmelbauer, Irene ; Preimesberger, Wolfgang ; Stradiotti, Pietro ; Tercjak, Monika ; Crapolicchio, Raffaele ; Sabia, Roberto FRM4SM: SMOS validation strategy and uncertainty mappingPresentation Vortrag27-May-2022
14Sharifi, Ehsan ; Güntner, Andreas ; Haas, Julian ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud ; Jäggi, Adrian ; Ruz Vargas, Claudia ; Behzadpour, Saniya ; Boergens, Eva ; Briese, Christian ; Contreras Lopez, Sergio ; Crétaux, Jean-François ; Darbeheshti, Neda ; Dobslaw, Henryk ; Dussaillant, Inés ; Flechtner, Frank ; Hunink, Johannes ; Kidd, Richard ; Kosmale, Miriam ; Kukurić, Neno ; Kvas, Andreas ; Luojus, Kari ; Mayer-Gürr, Torsten ; Meyer, Ulrich ; Pasik, Adam Jozef ; Paul, Frank ; Vanessa, Pedinotti ; Vayre, Maxime ; Zawadzki, Lionel ; Zemp, Michael A Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product (G3P)Presentation Vortrag24-May-2022
15Roth, Florian ; Bauer-Marschallinger, Bernhard ; Wagner, Wolfgang ; Dostalova, Alena ; Melzer, Thomas ; Navacchi, Claudio ; Reuß, Felix David ; Tupas, Mark Edwin ; Cao, Senmao ; Reimer, Christoph ; Reimond, Stefan Global satellite-based flood mapping from a Sentinel-1 SAR datacube: The TU Wien AlgorithmPresentation Vortrag26-May-2022
16Zappa, Luca ; Schlaffer, Stefan ; Brocca, Luca ; Vreugdenhil, Mariette ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud How accurately can we retrieve irrigation timing and water amounts from (satellite) soil moisture?Presentation Vortrag25-May-2022
17Mukunga, Tichaona Tavare ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud ; Schlaffer, Stefan ; Forkel, Matthias Impact of the inclusion of socio-economic variables on data-driven models in predicting global fire ignition occurrencesPresentation Vortrag25-May-2022
18Khabbazan, Saeed ; Steele-Dunne, Susan ; Vermunt, Paul ; Vreugdenhil, Mariette ; Judge, Jasmeet The Importance of Surface Canopy Water on Agricultural Monitoring using SARPresentation Vortrag23-May-2022
19Büechi, Piet Emanuel ; Fischer, Milan ; Grlj, Aleš ; Crocetti, Laura ; Trnka, Miroslav ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud Improving predictions of crop yield loss in years of severe droughts by integrating Earth observation and climate data in a machine learning framework. A case study for the Pannonian basinPresentation Vortrag23-May-2022
20Gabellani, Simone ; Alfieri, Lorenzo ; Avanzi, Francesco ; Delogu, Fabio ; Bruno, Giulia ; Campo, Lorenzo ; Libertino, Andrea ; Brocca, Luca ; Massari, Christian ; Tarpanelli, Angelica ; Camici, Stefania ; Miralles, Diego ; Rains, Dominik ; Vreugdenhil, Mariette ; Quast, Raphael ; Wagner, Wolfgang Innovative high resolution satellite Earth observations improve distribute hydrological modeling in northern ItalyPresentation Vortrag27-May-2022