FemChem Scientific Workshop 2021

Event name
FemChem Scientific Workshop 2021
Event type
Event for scientific audience
Start date
End date
Event format Veranstaltungsformat

Publications Publikationen

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PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Pacholik, Gernot ; Latschka, Markus ; Föttinger, Karin An insight into the challenges of CO2 hydrogenation and the application on different catalyst systemsPräsentation Presentation2021
2Dabrowska, Alicja ; David, Mauro ; Schwaighofer, Andreas ; Freitag, Stephan ; Hinkov, Borislav ; Harrer, Andreas ; Strasser, Gottfried ; Lendl, Bernhard Broadband laser-based mid-infrared spectroscopy employing a quantum cascade detector for protein analysis in aqueous solutionPräsentation Presentation2021
3Delidovich, Irina Development of catalytic transformations of saccharides and efficient separation methods for biorefiningPräsentation Presentation2021
4Lindenthal, Lorenz ; Schrenk, Florian ; Popovic, Janko ; Rameshan, Raffael ; Drexler, Hedda ; Navratil, Tina ; Pacholik, Gernot ; Rameshan, Christoph Doped Perovskite Oxides as Versatile CatalystsPräsentation Presentation2021
5Walk, Arleen Victoria ; Niel, Johannes ; Weiss, Bernd ; Wukovits, Walter Dynamic Modeling of Basic Oxygen SteelmakingPräsentation Presentation2021
6Latschka, Markus ; Pacholik, Gernot ; Nagl, Andreas ; De Vrieze, Jenoff ; Mostrou-Moser, Sotiria ; van Bokhoven, Jeroen Anton ; Saeys, Mark ; Föttinger, Karin Gas and liquid phase ethanol oxidation on bimetallic Au nanoparticlesPräsentation Presentation2021
7Sanchez Sanchez, Maricruz Heterogeneous catalysis for sustainable production of fuels and chemicalsPräsentation Presentation2021
8Batool, Samar ; Nandan, Sreejith P. ; Nagaraju Myakala, Stephen ; Schubert, Jasmin Sophia ; Ayala Leiva, Pablo Rony Alberto ; Eder, Dominik ; Cherevan, Alexey Molecular thiometalate clusters as co-catalysts for photocatalytic water splittingPresentation Vortrag20-Sep-2021
9Schmieder, Lena ; Berlinger, Mathias ; Bürgmayr, Harald ; Ilyina-Brunner, Katsiaryna ; Winter, Franz Thermochemical energy storage - Low pressure dependence of promising systems in a suspension reactorPräsentation Presentation2021
10Ellena, Valeria Towards sexual reproduction in an apparently asexual fungus: genome sequencing of the neotype strain CBS 554.65 reveals the MAT1 2 locus of Aspergillus nigerPräsentation Presentation2021