Event name
11th TXRF Conference
Event type
Event for scientific audience
Start date
End date
Budapest (Hungary)
Event format Veranstaltungsformat
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Results 1-12 of 12 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Pahlke, S. ; Meirer, F. ; Streli, Christina ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Westphal, G. P. ; Mantler, Michael Adaption of a commercial TXRF system for wafer surface analysis equipped with a new generation of silicon drift detectorPräsentation Presentation2005
2Hoefler, H. ; Streli, Christina ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Pepponi, Giancarlo ; Ovari, M. ; Zaray, G. ; Ostachowicz, B. ; Lankosz, M. Analysis of low Z elements in various environmental samples with TXRFPräsentation Presentation2005
3Ostachowicz, B. ; Lankosz, M. ; Tomik, B. ; Adamek, D. ; Streli, Christina ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Kregsamer, Peter Application of TXRF in analysis of body fluids in amniotic lateral sclerosisPräsentation Presentation2005
4Pepponi, Giancarlo ; Giubertoni, D. ; Bersani, M. ; VandenBerg, J. ; Werner, M. ; Grisenti, R. ; Streli, Christina ; Jokubonis, C. ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; d`Acapito, F. ; Falkenberg, G. GI-XRF and ReflEXAFS investigation of As shallow implants in SiPräsentation Presentation2005
5Hoefler, H. ; Streli, Christina ; Ovari, M. ; Zaray, G. Method development for the determination of low Z elements in biofilms directly cultivated on the TXRXF quartz platesPräsentation Presentation2005
6Wobrauschek, Peter New Sources and detectors in TXRF (Plenary Lecture)Präsentation Presentation2005
7Streli, Christina ; Pepponi, Giancarlo ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Jokubonis, C. ; Falkenberg, G. ; Zaray, G. ; Broekaert, J.A. ; Fittschen, U. Recent results of synchrotron rdaition induced TXRF at HASYLAB, Beamline LPräsentation Presentation2005
8Fittschen, U. ; Broekaert, J.A. ; Peschel, B.U. ; Förster, S. ; Hauschild, S. ; Streli, Christina ; Pepponi, Giancarlo ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Jokubonis, C. ; Falkenberg, G. The advantages of using micro droplets in ultra trace element determination with SR-TXRFPräsentation Presentation2005
9Tar, D. ; Osan, J. ; Alsecz, A. ; Török, S. ; Streli, Christina ; Wobrauschek, Peter Trace element analysis of nanoscopic fine aerosol samples with TXRFPräsentation Presentation2005
10Gruber, Xavier ; Kregsamer, Peter ; Streli, Christina ; Wobrauschek, Peter TXRF analysis of Austrian wine and drinking waterPräsentation Presentation2005
11Fittschen, U. ; Peschel, B.U. ; Broekaert, J.A. ; Rehder, D. ; Streli, Christina ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Jokubonis, C. ; Pepponi, Giancarlo ; Falkenberg, G. Ultra trace element determination with SR-TXRF for atmospheric aerosols and cell culturesPräsentation Presentation2005
12Fittschen, U. ; Peschel, B.U. ; Kiera, A. ; Broekaert, J.A. ; Streli, Christina ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Jokubonis, C. ; Pepponi, Giancarlo ; Falkenberg, G. Ultra-trace element determination with SR-TXRF for refractory materialsPräsentation Presentation2005