Annual Denver X-ray Conference 2017

Event name
Annual Denver X-ray Conference 2017
Event type
Event for scientific audience
Start date
End date
Big Sky, USA
Event format Veranstaltungsformat
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Publications Publikationen

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PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Prost, Josef ; Zinkl, A. ; Ingerle, D. ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Streli, Christina ; Eichert, D.M. ; Jark, W. ; Pepponi, Giancarlo ; Migliori, A. ; Karydas, A.G. ; Czyzycki, M. ; Buzanich, G. ; Reinholz, Uwe ; Riesemeier, Heinrich ; Radtke, Martin Applica on of SR-TXRF-XANES for the Analysis of Indoor Aerosol Samples at BESSYII and ELETTRAPräsentation Presentation2017
2Turyanskaya, A. ; Perneczky, L. ; Rauwolf, Mirjam ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Streli, Christina ; Eichert, D.M. ; Brigidi, Fabio ; Jark, W. ; Bjeoumikhova, S. ; Pepponi, Giancarlo ; Roschger, P. Implementation of a Confocal SR-microXRF System for Bone Analysis at the X-ray Fluorescence Beam Line at ElettraPräsentation Presentation2017
3Turyanskaya, A. ; Rauwolf, Mirjam ; Bretschneider, Thomas ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Streli, Christina ; Roschger, A. ; Hofstätter, J. ; Roschger, P. ; Zizak, I. Investigation of the Local Manganese Distribution in Bone in Female and Male Osteoporosis Compared to Healthy ControlsPräsentation Presentation2017
4Turyanskaya, A. ; Rauwolf, Mirjam ; Perneczky, L. ; Svirkova, Anastasiya ; Bonta, Maximilian ; Limbeck, Andreas ; Marchetti-Deschmann, Martina ; Roschger, A. ; Roschger, P. ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Streli, Christina Multimodal Imaging of Biological Samples: Correlation of μXRF with MALDI-MSI and with LA-ICP-MSPräsentation Presentation2017
5Rauwolf, Mirjam ; Turyanskaya, A. ; Roschger, A. ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Roschger, P. ; Hofstätter, J. ; Streli, Christina Novel Clustering Approach for the Segmentation of Elemental Distributions in Human BonePräsentation Presentation2017
6Prost, Josef ; Zinkl, A. ; Ingerle, D. ; Sterba, Johannes H. ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Streli, Christina ; Eichert, D.M. ; Jark, W. ; Pepponi, Giancarlo ; Migliori, A. ; Karydas, A.G. ; Czyzycki, M. ; Buzanich, G. ; Reinholz, Uwe ; Riesemeier, Heinrich ; Radtke, Martin Trace Element Analysis of Airborne Particulate Matter with TXRF and SR-TXRF-XANESPräsentation Presentation2017
7Rauwolf, Mirjam ; Turyanskaya, A. ; Roschger, A. ; Pape, I. ; Sawhney, K. ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Roschger, P. ; Hofstätter, J. ; Streli, Christina Zinc (Zn) and Lead (Pb) Accumulation in the Tidemark of Articular Cartilage with High-resolution micro-XRFPräsentation Presentation2017