Forschungsbereich Integrale Bauplanung und Industriebau

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E234-02 - Forschungsbereich Integrale Bauplanung und Industriebau
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Research Division
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Active Aktiv

Results 1-20 of 637 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Honic, Meliha ; Kovacic, Iva Der BIM-basierte materielle Gebäudepass: Ein Werkzeug für kreislauffähiges BauenSpezialbeitrag Special Contribution2022
2Sibenik, Goran ; Kovacic, Iva ; Petrinas, Valentinas ; Sprenger, Wendelin ; Bubalo, Dario ; Ruzicic, Nikola Automated preprocessing of building models for structural analysisArtikel Article 2022
3Roithner, Caroline ; Cencic, Oliver ; Honic, Meliha ; Rechberger, Helmut Recyclability assessment at the building design stage based on statistical entropy: A case study on timber and concrete buildingArtikel Article 2022
4Reisinger, Julia ; Kugler, Stefan ; Kovacic, Iva ; Knoll, Maximilian Parametric Optimization and Decision Support Model Framework for Life Cycle Cost Analysis and Life Cycle Assessment of Flexible Industrial Building Structures Integrating Production PlanningArtikel Article 2022
5Zahlbruckner, Maria Antonia ; Reisinger, Julia ; Kovacic, Iva BIMFlexi - Digital platform for design and optimization of flexible buildings for industry 4.0Präsentation Presentation2022
6Reisinger-2021-Sustainability-vor.pdf.jpgReisinger, Julia ; Hollinsky, Patrick ; Kovacic, Iva Design Guideline for Flexible Industrial Buildings Integrating Industry 4.0 ParametersArticle Artikel Oct-2021
7Tyc-2021-Remote Sensing-vor.pdf.jpgTyc, Jakub Marcin ; Sunguroglu Hensel, Defne ; Parisi, Erica Isabella ; Tucci, Grazia ; Hensel, Michael Ulrich Integration of Remote Sensing Data into a Composite Voxel Model for Environmental Performance Analysis of Terraced Vineyards in Tuscany, ItalyArticle Artikel Sep-2021
8Reisinger-2021-Optimization and Engineering-vor.pdf.jpgReisinger, Julia ; Knoll, Maximilian ; Kovacic, Iva Design space exploration for flexibility assessment and decision making support in integrated industrial building designArtikel Article Sep-2021
9Kovacic, Iva ; Honic, Meliha Scanning and data capturing for BIM-supported resources assessment: a case studyArtikel Article2021
10Honic, Meliha ; Kovacic, Iva ; Aschenbrenner, Philipp ; Ragossnig, Arne Material Passports for the end-of-life stage of buildings: Challenges and potentialsArtikel Article 2021
11Kán, Peter ; Ferschin, Peter ; Honic, Meliha ; Kovacic, Iva Building Information Monitoring via GamificationKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2021
12Kovacic, Iva Vienna Goes DigitalPräsentation Presentation2021
13Kovacic, Iva Digital urban mining cadaster as a Smart City InstrumentPräsentation Presentation2021
14Pibal, Sophia Silvia ; Kovacic, Iva ; Jakoubek, Robin Digital Twins to BIM Object Library - A Top-Down Modeling ApproachPräsentation Presentation2021
15Schützenhofer, Stefan ; Kovacic, Iva ; Rechberger, Helmut Sustainable use of material resources in AEC industry - a reviewPräsentation Presentation2021
16Sreckovic, Marijana ; Sibenik, Goran ; Sigalov, Katharina ; Ye, Xuling ; König, Markus ; Reitmayer, Katharina Upkeeping digital assets during construction using blockchain technologyPräsentation Presentation2021
17Achammer, Christoph Disruption einer Steinzeitindustrie - Digitalisierung und KooperationPräsentation Presentation2021
18Achammer, Christoph Manifest gegen die Verknappung von RaumPräsentation Presentation2021
19Pibal, Sophia Silvia ; Khoss, Konstantin ; Kovacic, Iva Prototype of an Algorithm-Aided BIM Tool for Semi- Automated Generation of Modular Residential BuildingsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2021
20Sibenik, Goran ; Kovacic, Iva ; Petrinas, Valentinas Automated model preprocessing for structural analysisKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2021