Forschungsgruppe Klima- und Umweltfernerkundung

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E120-01-2 - Forschungsgruppe Klima- und Umweltfernerkundung
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Results 1-20 of 506 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

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1Harris-2022-Geophysical Research Letters-vor.pdf.jpgHarris, Bethan ; Taylor, Christopher M. ; Weedon, Graham ; Talib, Joshua ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud ; Van Der Schalie, Robin Satellite‐Observed Vegetation Responses to Intraseasonal Precipitation VariabilityArticle Artikel 9-Aug-2022
2van der Schalie-2022-Hydrology and Earth System Sciences-vor.pdf.jpgvan der Schalie, Robin ; van der Vliet, Mendy ; Albergel, Clément ; Dorigo, Wouter ; Wolski, Piotr ; De Jeu, Richard Characterizing natural variability in complex hydrological systems using passive microwave-based climate data records: a case study for the Okavango DeltaArticle Artikel 13-Jul-2022
3Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud Do we really need more satellites to monitor our climate?Presentation Vortrag7-Jul-2022
4Heyvaert, Zdenko ; Scherrer, Samuel Anton ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud ; De Lannoy, Gabrielle Assessing the impact of environmental factors and design choices on the performance of satellite soil moisture data assimilationPresentation Vortrag8-Jun-2022
5Schlaffer, Stefan ; McKenna, Owen ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud Dynamics of open water and vegetated wetlands extent from Sentinel-1 dual-polarised data in a prairie catchment in North DakotaPresentation Vortrag25-May-2022
6Scherrer, Samuel Anton ; Heyvaert, Zdenko ; Büechi, Piet Emanuel ; Bechtold, Michel ; Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria ; De Lannoy, Gabrielle ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud A novel approach for assimilating retrievals of microwave vegetation optical depth into a land surface modelPresentation Vortrag25-May-2022
7Mukunga, Tichaona Tavare ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud ; Schlaffer, Stefan ; Forkel, Matthias Impact of the inclusion of socio-economic variables on data-driven models in predicting global fire ignition occurrencesPresentation Vortrag25-May-2022
8Massari, Christian ; Tarpanelli, Angelica ; Aires, Filipe ; Alfieri, Lorenzo ; Avanzi, Francesco ; BARBETTA, SILVIA ; Bechtold, Michel ; Brocca, Luca ; Camici, Stefania ; Castelli, Mariapina ; Ciabatta, Luca ; Claus, Michele ; Dari, Jacopo ; De Jeu, Richard ; De Lannoy, Gabrielle ; Delogu, Fabio ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud ; Filippucci, Paolo ; Gabellani, Simone ; Hulsman, Petra ; Jacob, Alexander ; Koppa, Akash ; Lievens, Hans ; Miralles, Diego ; Modanesi, Sara ; Barella Ortiz, Anaïs ; Pellet, Victor ; Petrova, irina ; Greimeister-Pfeil, Isabella ; Quast, Raphael ; Quintana Seguí, Pere ; Rains, Dominik ; Schellekens, Jaap ; Schlaffer, Stefan ; Tramblay, Yves ; van der Schalie, Robin ; Vreugdenhil, Mariette ; Wagner, Wolfgang ; Zappa, Luca ; Volden, Espen 4DMED-Hydrology: capitalizing high resolution Earth Observation data for a consistent reconstruction of the Mediterranean terrestrial water cyclePresentation Vortrag25-May-2022
9Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud ; Wild, Benjamin ; Teubner, Irene E. ; Mösinger, Leander ; Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria ; Forkel, Matthias ; van der Schalie, Robin ; Sitch, Stephen VODCA2GPP - A new global, long-term (1988-2020) GPP dataset from passive microwave remote sensingPresentation Vortrag25-May-2022
10Kaminski, Thomas ; Knorr, Wolfgang ; Vossbeck, Michael ; Williams, Mathew ; Green, Timothy ; Smallman, Thomas Luke ; Scholze, Marko ; Quaife, Tristan ; Aalto, Tuula ; Thum, Tea ; Zaehle, Sönke ; Schwank, Mike ; Aurela, Mika ; Barbier, Martin ; Belda Palazon, Santiago ; Bouvet, Alexandre ; Büechi, Piet Emanuel ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud ; El-Madany, Tarek S. ; Hammer, Tiana ; Honkanen, Marika ; Houtz, Derek ; Jonard, Francois ; Kerr, Yann ; Kontu, Anna ; Lemmetyinen, Juha ; Lindqvist, Hannakaisa ; Mialon, Arnaud ; Migliavacca, Mirco ; Mösinger, Leander ; Morcillo, Pablo ; Steele-Dunne, Susan ; Quegan, Shaun ; Rayner, Peter ; Reyez Muñoz, Pablo ; Rodriguez-Fernandez, Nemesio ; Verrelst, Jochem ; Vreugdenhil, Mariette ; Drusch, Matthias ; Schuettemeyer, Dirk A new terrestrial biosphere model for combining optical, and active/passive microwave observations into a consistent view of the terrestrial carbon cycle in a variational assimilation systemPresentation Vortrag25-May-2022
11Wessollek, Christine ; Schmidt, Luisa ; Andela, Niels ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud ; Forkel, Matthias Estimating vegetation fuel loads for the quantification of fire emissions by integrating various Earth observation dataPresentation Vortrag25-May-2022
12Zappa, Luca ; Schlaffer, Stefan ; Brocca, Luca ; Vreugdenhil, Mariette ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud How accurately can we retrieve irrigation timing and water amounts from (satellite) soil moisture?Presentation Vortrag25-May-2022
13Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria ; Schlaffer, Stefan ; Hollaus, Markus ; Dostalova, Alena ; Vacik, Harald ; Müller, Mortimer M. ; Atzberger, Clement ; Immitzer, Markus ; Dioszegi, Gergö ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud Remote sensing for improved forest fire danger estimation in the Alpine regionPresentation Vortrag24-May-2022
14Sharifi, Ehsan ; Güntner, Andreas ; Haas, Julian ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud ; Jäggi, Adrian ; Ruz Vargas, Claudia ; Behzadpour, Saniya ; Boergens, Eva ; Briese, Christian ; Contreras Lopez, Sergio ; Crétaux, Jean-François ; Darbeheshti, Neda ; Dobslaw, Henryk ; Dussaillant, Inés ; Flechtner, Frank ; Hunink, Johannes ; Kidd, Richard ; Kosmale, Miriam ; Kukurić, Neno ; Kvas, Andreas ; Luojus, Kari ; Mayer-Gürr, Torsten ; Meyer, Ulrich ; Pasik, Adam Jozef ; Paul, Frank ; Vanessa, Pedinotti ; Vayre, Maxime ; Zawadzki, Lionel ; Zemp, Michael A Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product (G3P)Presentation Vortrag24-May-2022
15Mösinger, Leander ; Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria ; van der Schalie, Robin ; Scanlon, Tracy Marie ; De Jeu, Richard ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud SVODI - A global long-term vegetation condition index based on microwave remote sensingPresentation Vortrag24-May-2022
16Rodriguez-Fernandez, Nemesio ; Barbier, Martin ; Bouvet, Alexandre ; Büechi, Piet Emanuel ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud ; Drusch, Matthias ; Kaminski, Thomas ; Kerr, Yann ; Le Toan, Thuy ; Lindqvist, Hannakaisa ; Mialon, Arnaud ; Reyez Muñoz, Pablo ; Scholze, Marko ; Verrelst, Jochem ; Vreugdenhil, Mariette Paving the road to FLEX and Biomass: a multi-frequency study of the vegetation in three regions of EuropePresentation Vortrag23-May-2022
17Büechi, Piet Emanuel ; Fischer, Milan ; Grlj, Aleš ; Crocetti, Laura ; Trnka, Miroslav ; Dorigo, Wouter Arnoud Improving predictions of crop yield loss in years of severe droughts by integrating Earth observation and climate data in a machine learning framework. A case study for the Pannonian basinPresentation Vortrag23-May-2022
18Azadi, Sara ; Yazdanpanah, Hojat ; Nasr-Esfahani, Mohammad Ali ; Pourmanafi, Saeid ; Dorigo, Wouter The Gavkhouni Wetland Dryness and Its Impact on Air Temperature Variability in the Eastern Part of the Zayandeh-Rud River Basin, IranArtikel Article 2022
19Madelon, Remi ; Rodriguez-Fernandez, Nemesio J. ; van der Schalie, Robin ; Scanlon, Tracy ; Al Bitar, Ahmad ; Kerr, Yann H. ; de Jeu, Richard ; Dorigo, Wouter Toward the Removal of Model Dependency in Soil Moisture Climate Data Records by Using an L-Band Scaling ReferenceArtikel Article 2022
20Verhoeven, G. ; Wild, B. ; Schlegel, J. ; Wieser, M. ; Pfeifer, N. ; Wogrin, S. ; Eysn, L. ; Carloni, M. ; Koschiček-Krombholz, B. ; Molada-Tebar, A. ; Otepka-Schremmer, J. ; Ressl, C. ; Trognitz, M. ; Watzinger, A. PROJECT INDIGO – DOCUMENT, DISSEMINATE & ANALYSE A GRAFFITI-SCAPEKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2022