| | Preview | Authors / Editors | Title | Type | Issue Date |
| 1 | | Ansari, Fazel ; Kohl, Linus ; Dolgui, Alexandre ; Ivanov, Dmitry ; Sokolov, Boris | AI-Enhanced Maintenance for Building Resilience and Viability in Supply Chains | Book Contribution Buchbeitrag | 9-Oct-2022 |
| 2 | | Ansari Chaharsoughi, Fazel | Knowledge-Based Maintenance as an Enabler and Driver of Sustainable Production Management | Presentation Vortrag | 7-Sep-2022 |
| 3 | | Ansari Chaharsoughi, Fazel ; Schlund, Sebastian | Towards Adaptive and Personalized Work Systems | Presentation Vortrag | 26-Aug-2022 |
| 4 | | Ansari Chaharsoughi, Fazel | Reciprocal Learning in Collaborative Work Systems | Presentation Vortrag | 26-Jul-2022 |
| 5 | | Glawar, Robert ; Ansari Chaharsoughi, Fazel ; Reichsthaler, Luisa Sophie ; Sihn, Wilfried ; Toth, Daniel ; Bernard, Alain ; Dolgui, Alexandre ; HADDOU BENDERBAL, Hichem ; Ivanov, Dmitry ; Lemoine, David ; Sgarbossa, Fabio | Maintenance-Free Factory: A Holistic Approach for Enabling Sustainable Production Management | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag  | 22-Jun-2022 |
| 6 | | Ansari Chaharsoughi, Fazel | Towards Reciprocal Learning in Collaborative Work Systems | Presentation Vortrag | 16-Feb-2022 |
| 7 | | Kohl, Linus | An Al-Enhanced Framework for Competence-Based Maintenance Planning in Semiconductor Manufacturing | Präsentation Presentation | 2022 |
| 8 | | Nixdorf, Steffen ; Madreiter, Theresa ; Hofer, Stefan ; Ansari, Fazel | A Work-based Learning Approach for Developing Robotics Skills of Maintenance Professionals | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2022 |
| 9 |  | Reichsthaler, Luisa ; Madreiter, Theresa ; Giner, Jakob ; Glawar, Robert ; Ansari Chaharsoughi, Fazel ; Sihn, Wilfried ; Dewulf, Wim ; Duflou, Joost | An AI-enhanced Approach for optimizing life cycle costing of military logistic vehicles | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag  | 2022 |
| 10 |  | Nixdorf, Steffen ; Zhang, Minqi ; Ansari, Fazel ; Grosse, Eric H. | Reciprocal Learning in Production and Logistics | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag  | 2022 |
| 11 | | Papa, Maximilian ; Fischer, Clara ; Zigart, Tanja ; Nixdorf, Steffen ; Schlund, Sebastian | Digitale Learning Nuggets | Special Contribution Spezialbeitrag | Sep-2021 |
| 12 | | Papa, Maximilian ; Fischer, Clara ; Zigart, Tanja ; Nixdorf, Steffen ; Schlund, Sebastian | Digitale Learning Nuggets: Robotik Inhalte in digitaler und kompakter Form personalisiert lernen und lehren | Spezialbeitrag Special Contribution | 2021 |
| 13 | | Passath, Theresa ; Huber, Cornelia ; Kohl, Linus ; Biedermann, Hubert ; Ansari, Fazel | A Knowledge-Based Digital Lifecycle-Oriented Asset Optimisation | Artikel Article | 2021 |
| 14 | | Glawar, Robert ; Ansari, Fazel ; Matyas, Kurt | Evaluation of Economic Plausibility of Integrating Maintenance Strategies in Autonomous Production Control: A Case Study in Automotive Industry | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings  | 2021 |
| 15 | | Kovacs, Klaudia ; Ansari, Fazel ; Sihn, Wilfried | A modified Weibull model for service life prediction and spare parts forecast in heat treatment industry | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings | 2021 |
| 16 | | Glawar, Robert ; Ansari, Fazel ; Viharos, Zsolt János ; Matyas, Kurt ; Sihn, Wilfried | Integrating maintenance strategies in autonomous production control using a cost-based model | Artikel Article | 2021 |
| 17 | | Kohl, Linus ; Bachlechner, Daniel ; Rader, Michael | Unternehmensübergreifende Nutzung sensibler Daten | Präsentation Presentation | 2021 |
| 18 | | Nixdorf, Steffen | EIT Manufacturing KIC Café | Präsentation Presentation | 2021 |
| 19 | | Ansari, Fazel ; Sihn, Wilfried | Knowledge-Based Maintenance for Sustainable Production Management | Präsentation Presentation | 2021 |
| 20 | | Ansari, Fazel | Knowledge-Based Maintenance: TU Wien's Experiences and Foresights | Präsentation Presentation | 2021 |