Simulating Transport Properties of Correlated Materials

Project Acronym Projekt Kurzbezeichnung
Project Title (de) Projekttitel (de)
Simulating Transport Properties of Correlated Materials
Project Title (en) Projekttitel (en)
Simulating Transport Properties of Correlated Materials
Consortium Coordinator Koordinator des Konsortiums
Principal Investigator Projektleiter_in
Funder/Funding Agency Fördergeber
FWF Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF)
Grant number Förderkennnummer
P 30213-N36


Results 1-16 of 16 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Pickem, Matthias ; Tomczak, Jan M. ; Held, Karsten Particle-hole asymmetric lifetimes promoted by nonlocal spin and orbital fluctuations in SrVO₃ monolayersArticle Artikel 30-Sep-2022
2Tomczak, Jan Martin Simulating transport properties of narrow-gap semiconductorsPresentation Vortrag24-Aug-2022
3Tomczak, Jan Martin Transport in narrow-gap semiconductorsPresentation Vortrag17-Jun-2022
4Tomczak, Jan Martin Realistic Simulations for Correlated MaterialsPresentation Vortrag20-May-2022
5Tomczak, Jan Martin Transport phenomenology & Resistivity saturation in Kondo insulatorsPresentation Vortrag12-Apr-2022
6Tomczak, Jan Martin Realistic Simulations for Correlated MaterialsPresentation Vortrag22-Mar-2022
7Pickem, Matthias ; Maggio, Emanuele ; Tomczak, Jan M. Prototypical many-body signatures in transport properties of semiconductorsArticle Artikel 15-Feb-2022
8Held, Karsten ; Si, Liang ; Worm, Paul ; Janson, Oleg ; Arita, Ryotaro ; Zhong, Zhicheng ; Tomczak, Jan M. ; Kitatani, Motoharu Phase Diagram of Nickelate Superconductors Calculated by Dynamical Vertex ApproximationArticle Artikel 21-Jan-2022
9Tomczak, Jan Realistic many-body theory of Kondo insulators: Renormalizations & fluctuations in Ce3Bi4Pt3Präsentation Presentation2018
10Tomczak, Jan Realistic many-body theory of Kondo insulators: Renormalizations & fluctuations in Ce3Bi4Pt3Präsentation Presentation2018
11Tomczak, Jan Realistic many-body theory of Kondo insulators: Ce3Bi4Pt3Präsentation Presentation2018
12Tomczak, Jan Realistic many-body theory of Kondo insulators: Ce3Bi4Pt3Präsentation Presentation2018
13Tomczak, Jan Realistic Simulationsfor Correlated MaterialsPräsentation Presentation2018
14Tomczak, Jan Realistic many-body theory of Kondo insulators & transition-metal oxidesPräsentation Presentation2018
15Tomczak, Jan Realistic Simulations for Correlated MaterialsPräsentation Presentation2018
16Tomczak, Jan M Thermoelectricity in correlated narrow-gap semiconductorsArtikel Article 2018