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Kreuzer, Maximilian
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Results 1-20 of 66 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Batyrev, Victor ; Kreuzer, Maximilian Conifold degenerations of Fano 3-folds as hypersurfaces in toric varietiesBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2012
2Kreuzer, Maximilian ; McOrist, Jock ; Melnikov, Ilarion V. ; Plesser, M. Ronen (0,2) Deformations of Linear Sigma ModelsArtikel Article2011
3Knapp, Johanna ; Kreuzer, Maximilian Toric Methods in F-theory Model BuildingArtikel Article2011
4Beccaria, Matteo ; Kreuzer, Maximilian ; Puhm, Andrea Counting charged massless states in the (0, 2) heterotic CFT/geometry connectionArtikel Article2011
5Knapp, Johanna ; Kreuzer, Maximilian ; Mayrhofer, Christoph ; Walliser, Nils-Ole Toric construction of global F-theory GUTsArtikel Article2011
6Garavuso, Richard S. ; Katzarkov, Ludmil ; Kreuzer, Maximilian ; Noll, Alexander Super Landau-Ginzburg mirrors and algebraic cyclesArtikel Article 2011
7Kreuzer, Maximilian Landau--Ginzburg orbifolds and Mirror SymmetryPräsentation Presentation2010
8Kreuzer, Maximilian PALP and the classification of reflexive polytopesPräsentation Presentation2010
9Kasprzyk, Alexander M. ; Kreuzer, Maximilian ; Nill, Benjamin On the combinatorial classification of toric log del Pezzo surfacesArtikel Article2010
10Chen, Ching-Ming ; Knapp, Johanna ; Kreuzer, Maximilian ; Mayrhofer, Christoph Global SO(10) F-theory GUTsArtikel Article2010
11Batyrev, Victor ; Kreuzer, Maximilian Constructing new Calabi-Yau 3-folds and their mirrors via conifold transitionsArtikel Article 2010
12Kreuzer, Maximilian Heterotic (0,2) Gepner models and related geometriesPräsentation Presentation2009
13Kreuzer, Maximilian Exploring hidden dimensions with toric geometryPräsentation Presentation2009
14Kreuzer, Maximilian Examples and Problems in Toric GeometryPräsentation Presentation2009
15Kreuzer, Maximilian Introduction to toric geometryPräsentation Presentation2009
16Kreuzer, Maximilian Gepner Points and Mirror SymmetryPräsentation Presentation2009
17Kreuzer, Maximilian Combinatorics and Quantum GeometryPräsentation Presentation2009
18Kreuzer, Maximilian ; Nill, Benjamin Classification of toric Fano 5-foldsArtikel Article2009
19Garavuso, Richard S ; Kreuzer, Maximilian ; Noll, Alexander Fano hypersurfaces and Calabi-Yau supermanifoldsArtikel Article2009
20Kreuzer, M. The Making of Calabi-Yau spaces: Beyond toric hypersurfacesArtikel Article2009

Results 1-6 of 6 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Kapustin, Anton ; Kreuzer, Maximilian ; Schlesinger, K.-G. Homological Mirror SymmetryBuch Book2009
2Hohenegger, Stefan Topological amplitudes and string effective couplingsThesis Hochschulschrift2007
3Atalla, Viktor Superfields and supersymmetryThesis Hochschulschrift2007
4Knapp, Johanna Covariant quantization of the superstringThesis Hochschulschrift2004
5Herbst, Manfred Open string theory and non-commutative geometryThesis Hochschulschrift2001
6Nikbakht-Tehrani Mahmoud - 1997 - Toric geometry and 02 string compactifications.pdf.jpgNikbakht-Tehrani, Mahmoud Toric geometry and (0,2) string compactificationsThesis Hochschulschrift 1997