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Results 1-20 of 32 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Schmid, Barbara ; Koutna, Nikola ; Halwax, Erich ; Hahn, Rainer ; Mayrhofer, Paul Heinz Influence of deposition parameters on chemistry, structure and mechanical properties of Vanadium carbide thin filmsPresentation Vortrag26-May-2022
2Weidow, Jonathan ; Halwax, Erich ; Schubert, Wolf-Dieter Optimized production route of WC powder pre-alloyed with Ta for a fine grained cemented carbideArtikel Article 2017
3Haubner, Roland ; Strobl, Susanne ; Linhardt, Paul ; Halwax, Erich Investigations on a defect sewer pipe, attacked by microbiologically produced acidArtikel Article2014
4Pasquazzi, Alan ; Schubert, Wolf-Dieter ; Halwax, Erich ; Kremser, Gabriele Incorporaton of Titanium, Tantalum, and Vanadium into the Hexagonal WC LatticeKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2013
5Weidow, Jonathan ; Schubert, Wolf-Dieter ; Halwax, Erich Analysis of WC with Increased Ta DopingKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2013
6Halwax, Erich X-ray diffraction and its applications in the analysis of fine artPräsentation Presentation2013
7Haubner, Roland ; Strobl, Susanne ; Linhardt, Paul ; Halwax, Erich Investigations on a defect sewer pipe, attacked by microbiologically produced acidPräsentation Presentation2013
8Konegger, Thomas ; Kohlhauser, Bernhard ; Gierl, Christian ; Halwax, Erich Mullitschaumherstellung durch Reaktionspyrolyse präkeramischer PolymerePräsentation Presentation2012
9Kronberger, Hermann ; Wolf, Günter ; Halwax, Erich ; Boiadjieva-Scherzer, Tzvetanka Mechanistic aspects of surface structuring via elctrodepositionPräsentation Presentation2012
10Kuzmanovic, Julijana ; Danninger, Herbert ; Gierl, Christian ; Zbiral, Johannes ; Halwax, Erich ; Zikin, Arkadi Preparation and properties of sintered Fe and Ni based MMCs reinforced with fused tungsten carbide particlesArtikel Article2012
11Schneider, M. ; Bittner, A. ; Patocka, F. ; Stöger-Pollach, M. ; Halwax, E. ; Schmid, U. Impact of the surface-near silicon substrate properties on the microstructure of sputter-deposited AIN thin filmsArtikel Article2012
12Linhardt, Paul ; Strobl, Susanne ; Halwax, Erich ; Koschatzky, Kurt ; Haubner, Roland Untersuchungen an einem gusseisernen Kanalrohr, welches durch mikrobiell entstandene Schwefelsäure angegriffen wurdePräsentation Presentation2011
13Zorn, Katrin ; Giorgio, Suzanne ; Halwax, Erich ; Henry, Claude R. ; Grönbeck, Henrik ; Rupprechter, Günther CO Oxidation on Technological Pd-Al₂O₃ Catalysts: Oxidation State and ActivityArtikel Article2011
14Konegger, Thomas ; Halwax, Erich ; Zbiral, Johannes ; Limbeck, Andreas ; Liersch, Antje Blue-coloured polymer-derived ceramics? An investigation.Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2011
15Wolf, Günter ; Halwax, Erich ; Kronberger, Hermann Effect of current density and temperature on the morphology of electrodeposited chromiumArtikel Article2010
16Zlatkov, B.S. ; Mitrović, N.S. ; Nikolić, M.V. ; Maričić, A.M. ; Danninger, H. ; Aleksić, O.S. ; Halwax, E. Properties of MnZn ferrites prepared by powder injection molding technologyArtikel Article2010
17Zlatkov, Branislav S. ; Nikolic, Maria Vesna ; Danninger, Herbert ; Aleksic, Obrad S. ; Halwax, Erich ; Lukic, Lazar S. Sintered strontium hexaferrite shaped by injection moulding in unidirectional magnetic and electromagnetic fieldKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2010
18Siedl, Nicolas ; Elser, Michael ; Halwax, Erich ; Bernardi, Johannes ; Diwald, Oliver When Fewer Photons Do More: A Comparative O2 Photoadsorption Study on Vapor-Deposited TiO2 and ZrO2 Nanocrystal EnsemblesArtikel Article2009
19Zlatkov, B.S. ; Nikolic, M.V. ; Aleksic, O. ; Danninger, H. ; Halwax, E. A study of magneto-crystalline alignment in sintered barium hexaferrite fabricated by powder injection moldingArtikel Article2009
20Tükör, Zuzana ; Halwax, Erich ; Schubert, Wolf-Dieter ; Bicherl, Annegret ; Bock, Andreas ; Zeiler, Burghard Structural Analysis of Submicron and Ultrafine WC Powders Based on Rietveld RefeinementsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2009