Full name Familienname, Vorname
Gondola, Hajnalka
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

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1Rothbauer, Mario ; Gondola, Hajnalka ; Schmid, Silvan ; Schalko, Johannes ; Huppertz, Berthold ; Ertl, Peter A Lab-on-a-chip with Integrated Impedance Sensors for Nanotoxicological Studies on Human Placental Cell LinesPräsentation Presentation2017
2Rothbauer Mario - 2017 - A comparative study of five physiological key...pdf.jpgRothbauer, Mario ; Patel, Nilaykumar ; Gondola, Hajnalka ; Siwetz, Monika ; Huppertz, Berthold ; Ertl, Peter A comparative study of five physiological key parameters between four different human trophoblast-derived cell linesArticle Artikel 2017
3Gondola Hajnalka - 2017 - Charaterization of electrical biosensors to monitor...pdf.jpgGondola, Hajnalka Charaterization of electrical biosensors to monitor placenta barrier integrityThesis Hochschulschrift 2017