Full name Familienname, Vorname
Raab, Benedikt
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-8 of 8 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Leeb, Helmut ; Raab, Benedikt ; Srdinko, Thomas ; Stary, T. R-matrix-based Evaluation of neutron-induced reactions of Be-9Presentation Vortrag24-Nov-2023
2Leeb, Helmut ; Raab, Benedikt ; Srdinko, Thomas Nuclear data evaluation of light nuclear reaction systemsPresentation Vortrag23-Feb-2023
3Raab, Benedikt ; Srdinko, Thomas ; Leeb, Helmut A novel R-matrix formalism for three-body channelsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2023
4Leeb, Helmut ; Srdinko, Thomas ; Raab, Benedikt Nuclear Data Evaluation of Light Nuclear SystemsPresentation Vortrag27-Sep-2022
5Leeb, Helmut ; Raab, Benedikt ; Srdinko, Thomas ; Tanja Stary ; Tobias Wojta R-matrix based description of reactions in light nuclear systems: account of non-binary channelsPresentation Vortrag28-Apr-2022
6Raab Benedikt - 2022 - A novel three-body R-matrix formalism for breakup...pdf.jpgRaab, Benedikt A novel three-body R-matrix formalism for breakup reactions in light nuclear systemsThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
7Raab, Benedikt ; Srdinko, Thomas ; Leeb, Helmut Developments regarding three-body reaction channels within the R-matrix formalismArticle Artikel 1-Jan-2020
8Raab Benedikt - 2017 - A Faddeev based R-matrix method.pdf.jpgRaab, Benedikt A Faddeev based R-matrix methodThesis Hochschulschrift 2017