Raab, B. (2022). A novel three-body R-matrix formalism for breakup reactions in light nuclear systems [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm. https://doi.org/10.34726/hss.2022.64640
Breakup Reactions; R-Matrix Theory; Light Nuclear Systems
Light nuclear systems exhibit breakup reactions at rather low energies still in the resonance regime. The standard R-matrix theory is well suited to describe resonances and therefore it is usually used to provide excellent descriptions of the resonance regime in nuclear data evaluations. However, standard R-matrix theory is limited to two particle channels and its applicability to breakup-channels...
Light nuclear systems exhibit breakup reactions at rather low energies still in the resonance regime. The standard R-matrix theory is well suited to describe resonances and therefore it is usually used to provide excellent descriptions of the resonance regime in nuclear data evaluations. However, standard R-matrix theory is limited to two particle channels and its applicability to breakup-channels is restricted to special cases which can be considered by means of sequential processes. Moreover, there exists no theory to predict the position and widths of resonances quantitatively. It is the primary goal of the present thesis to develop on the basis of the Faddeev equations an extension of the standard R-matrix formalism to consistently include three-body channels. With regard to a proper description of the dynamics of breakup channels approximations and assumptions should be kept at minimum. The feasibility of the method should be demonstrated at well chosen examples of breakup reactions.
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