| | Preview | Author(s) | Title | Type | Issue Date |
| 1 | | Rieder, Alexander | A p-version of convolution quadrature in wave propagation | Presentation Vortrag | 26-Jul-2023 |
| 2 | | Melenk, Jens Markus ; Banjai, Lehel ; Rieder, Alexander ; Schwab, Ch. | hp-FEM for the spectral fractional Laplacian in polygons | Presentation Vortrag | 9-Mar-2023 |
| 3 | | Faustmann, Markus ; Rieder, Alexander | FEM-BEM Coupling in Fractional Diffusion | Presentation Vortrag | 8-Mar-2023 |
| 4 |  | Rieder, Alexander | Double exponential quadrature for fractional diffusion | Article Artikel  | 2023 |
| 5 | | Melenk, Jens Markus ; Rieder, Alexander | An exponentially convergent discretization for space–time fractional parabolic equations using 𝘩𝘱-FEM | Article Artikel  | 15-Oct-2022 |
| 6 | | Rieder, Alexander ; Sayas, Francisco-Javier ; Melenk, Jens Markus | Time domain boundary integral equations and convolution quadrature for scattering by composite media | Article Artikel  | Sep-2022 |
| 7 | | Erath, Christoph ; Mascotto, Lorenzo ; Melenk, Jens M. ; Perugia, Ilaria ; Rieder, Alexander | Mortar Coupling of 𝘩𝘱-Discontinuous Galerkin and Boundary Element Methods for the Helmholtz Equation | Article Artikel  | Jul-2022 |
| 8 | | Achleitner, Franz ; Kuehn, Christian ; Melenk, Jens M. ; Rieder, Alexander | Metastable Speeds in the Fractional Allen-Cahn Equation | Artikel Article  | 2021 |
| 9 | | Rieder, Alexander ; Sayas, Francisco-Javier ; Melenk, Jens Markus | Runge-Kutta approximation for C₀-semigroups in the graph norm with applications to time domain boundary integral equations | Artikel Article  | 2021 |
| 10 | | Markus Melenk, Jens ; Rieder, Alexander | hp-FEM for the fractional heat equation | Artikel Article  | 2021 |
| 11 | | Melenk, Jens Markus ; Rieder, Alexander | On superconvergence of Runge-Kutta convolution quadrature for the wave equation | Artikel Article  | 2021 |
| 12 | | Mascotto, Lorenzo ; Melenk, Jens M. ; Perugia, Ilaria ; Rieder, Alexander | FEM-BEM mortar coupling for the Helmholtz equation in three dimensions | Artikel Article  | 2020 |
| 13 | | Karkulik, Michael ; Melenk, Jens Markus ; Rieder, Alexander | Stable decompositions of hp-BEM spaces and an optimal Schwarz preconditioner for the hypersingular integral operator in 3D | Artikel Article  | 2020 |
| 14 | | Mascotto, Lorenzo ; Melenk, Jens Markus ; Perugia, Ilaria ; Rieder, Alexander | FEM-BEM mortar coupling for the Helmholtz problem in three dimensions | Bericht Report | 2020 |
| 15 | | Rieder, Alexander ; Sayas, Franciso-Javier ; Melenk, Jens Markus | Runge-Kutta approximation for C_0-semigroups in the graph norm with applications to time domain boundary integral equations | Bericht Report | 2020 |
| 16 | | Achleitner, Franz ; Kuehn, Christian ; Melenk, Jens Markus ; Rieder, Alexander | Metastable Speeds in the Fractional Allen-Cahn Equation | Bericht Report | 2020 |
| 17 | | Rieder, Alexander ; Sayas, Franciso-Javier ; Melenk, Jens Markus | Time domain boundary integral equations and convolution quadrature for scattering by composite media | Bericht Report | 2020 |
| 18 | | Melenk, Jens Markus ; Rieder, Alexander | On superconvergence of Runge-Kutta convolution quadrature for the wave equation | Bericht Report | 2019 |
| 19 | | Melenk, Jens Markus ; Rieder, Alexander | hp-FEM for the fractional heat equation | Bericht Report | 2019 |
| 20 | | Haberl, Alexander ; Pfeiler, Carl-Martin ; Praetorius, Dirk ; Rieder, Alexander ; Ruggeri, Michele ; Stiftner, Bernhard | SolveLLG - A simulation tool for micromagnetics | Präsentation Presentation | 2017 |