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Wagner, Wolfgang

Results 1-11 of 11 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Doubkova Marcela - 2012 - Error characterization methods for surface soil...pdf.jpgDoubková, Marcela Error characterization methods for surface soil moisture products from remote sensingThesis Hochschulschrift 2012
2Bauer-Marschallinger Bernhard - 2012 - Spatiotemporal analyses of remotely...pdf.jpgBauer-Marschallinger, Bernhard Spatiotemporal analyses of remotely sensed soil moisture with respect to regional climate modes and solar activity in AustraliaThesis Hochschulschrift 2012
3Mistelbauer Thomas - 2012 - Metadata management of higher level remote sensing...pdf.jpgMistelbauer, Thomas Metadata management of higher level remote sensing productsThesis Hochschulschrift 2012
4Paulik Christoph - 2011 - Validation and improvement of the FreezeThaw detection...pdf.jpgPaulik, Christoph Validation and improvement of the Freeze/Thaw detection algorithm from ASCAT dataThesis Hochschulschrift 2011
5Pathe Carsten - 2009 - Surface soil moisture retrieval using Envisat ASAR global...pdf.jpgPathe, Carsten Surface soil moisture retrieval using Envisat ASAR global mode dataThesis Hochschulschrift 2009
6Naeimi Vahid - 2009 - Model improvements and error characterization for global...pdf.jpgNaeimi, Vahid Model improvements and error characterization for global ERS and METOP scatterometer soil moisture dataThesis Hochschulschrift 2009
7Hollaus Markus - 2006 - Large scale applications of airborne laser scanning for...pdf.jpgHollaus, Markus Large scale applications of airborne laser scanning for a complex mountainous environmentThesis Hochschulschrift 2006
8Braumann Birgit - 2006 - Objektorientierte Gebaeudedetektion in...pdf.jpgBraumann, Birgit Objektorientierte Gebäudedetektion in Laserscannerdaten und multispektralen BildernThesis Hochschulschrift 2006
9Zhang Jianzhong - 2004 - Spatial and statistical analysis of thermal satellite...pdf.jpgZhang, Jianzhong Spatial and statistical analysis of thermal satellite imagery for extraction of coal fire related anomaliesThesis Hochschulschrift 2004
10Knabe Stefan - 2004 - Erfassung der raeumlichen und zeitlichen Veraenderung von...pdf.jpgKnabe, Stefan Erfassung der räumlichen und zeitlichen Veränderung von Bodenfeuchtemustern in semiariden Gebieten mittels ERS-1/2 InSAR ZeitreihenThesis Hochschulschrift 2004
11Kuenzer Claudia - 2004 - Demarcating coal fire risk areas based on spectral test...pdf.jpgKünzer, Claudia Demarcating coal fire risk areas based on spectral test sequences and partial unmixing using multi sensor remote sensing dataThesis Hochschulschrift 2004