Full name Familienname, Vorname
Yilmaz, Ufuk
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-14 of 14 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Ramer, Georg ; Yilmaz, Ufuk ; Sam, Savda ; Lendl, Bernhard Bottom-illuminated photothermal nanoscale chemical imaging with a flat silicon ATR in air and liquidPreprint Preprint26-Sep-2023
2Yilmaz, Ufuk ; Ramer, Georg ; Lendl, Bernhard Introducing flat, silicon ATR for bottom illuminated AFM-IR measurementsPresentation Vortrag14-Apr-2023
3Ramer, Georg ; Vieira Dias Dos Santos, Ana Catarina ; Yilmaz, Ufuk ; Zhang, Yide ; Holub, Elisabeth ; Hondl, Nikolaus ; Lendl, Bernhard Chemical Characterization at the Nanoscale Using AFM-IRPresentation Vortrag13-Apr-2023
4Yilmaz, Ufuk ; Lendl, Bernhard ; Ramer, Georg From prism to flat silicon: ​ Novel approach for AFM-IR measurements in liquids​Presentation Vortrag7-Sep-2022
5Ramer, Georg ; Vieira Dias Dos Santos, Ana Catarina ; Yilmaz, Ufuk ; Lendl, Bernhard Tiny Data: Nanoscale hyperspectral imagingPresentation Vortrag7-Sep-2022
6Zhang, Yide ; Yilmaz, Ufuk ; Ramer, Georg ; Lendl, Bernhard Towards a point spread function for nanoscale chemical imagingPresentation Vortrag7-Sep-2022
7Yilmaz, Ufuk ; Lendl, Bernhard ; Ramer, Georg Novel approach for bottom-illuminated photothermal nanoscale chemical imaging with a flat silicon sample carrierPresentation Vortrag23-Jun-2022
8Ramer, Georg ; Vieira Dias Dos Santos, Ana Catarina ; Yilmaz, Ufuk ; Holub, Elisabeth ; Zhang, Yide ; Lendl, Bernhard Photothermal spectroscopy for nanoscale chemical imagingPresentation Vortrag23-Jun-2022
9Zhang, Yide ; Yilmaz, Ufuk ; Lendl, Bernhard ; Ramer, Georg Towards a point spread function for nanoscale chemical imagingPresentation Vortrag20-Jun-2022
10Zhang, Yide ; Yilmaz, Ufuk ; Lendl, Bernhard ; Ramer, Georg Modelling thermal expansion as a point spread function for nanoscale chemical imagingPresentation Vortrag13-May-2022
11Yilmaz, Ufuk ; Lendl, Bernhard ; Ramer, Georg Nanoscale characterization of organic-inorganic perovskites with AFM-IRPresentation Vortrag12-May-2022
12Ramer, Georg ; Yilmaz, Ufuk ; Zhang, Yide ; Holub, Elisabeth ; Lendl, Bernhard Nanoscale computational stainingPresentation Vortrag12-Apr-2022
13Yilmaz, Ufuk ; Lendl, Bernhard ; Ramer, Georg Nanoscale characterizing organic-inorganic perovskites with AFM-IR​Presentation Vortrag11-Apr-2022
14Yilmaz Ufuk - 2020 - High entropy alloys - Herstellung und Eigenschaften.pdf.jpgYilmaz, Ufuk High entropy alloys - Herstellung und EigenschaftenThesis Hochschulschrift 2020